Chapter Two.

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Ok here is the next chap! Please tell me what you think so far, and if I should bother keeping this story going! And over there -------> is a picture of Kain.

So I hope you enjoy!

And without further delay!!! Here it is!!!!!

~Present Day~

I stood in the attic starring out the large window. My eyes wandering over the distant movement of town, wishing I could be down there. But that wasn't possible, I was stuck here forever.

Sighing, I quickly sat down pulling my knees to my chest. My fingers drumming lightly against my skin.

I've been in this god offal hell hole for over five years. Frankly they have been the longest five years that I've ever experienced. But with Wednesday around, It made things go a bit faster. She basically showed me how to survive in this house.

Rule number one being don't go in the basement, no matter what. Even if Tate wasnt here, which he hasn't been for almost three years now.

None of us knew where he was or why he left. Its not like it mattered anyways, when he was here he just used us all as his puppets. So him not being here was a breath of fresh air.

"Why are you bothering yourself with that useless crap?" I turned my attention from the window to wednesday who was leaning against the doorway.

"I don't know, it's the only human contact I get besides my one fucking day of freedom, so why not" I shrugged my shoulders, turning back to my window.

"I'd hardly call that human contact Linds, don't kid yourself" she chuckled.

I just sighed and and rolled my eyes. I knew she was right but I liked watching them, it reminded me of my freedom. When I could walk outside an feel the wind an sun on my face, to walk for miles not being bound by gates or walls.

"Well it's something" I chuckled softly.

I continued staring out the window. My eyes roaming over everything, trying to not miss a thing. That's when I noticed two cars slowly traveling up the gravel road.

"Um.... Wednesday you better come look at this" I mumbled as I pressed my face against the glass, not really believing what I was seeing.

Not taking my eyes off the cars, I felt Wednesday step closer and look over top of me. Hearing her breath catch, I knew instantly she had no clue what was happening.

"I need to go tell Damon about this." she quickly stuttered before running out the door.

I was too intrigued by the sight than to bother myself with telling Damon about this. Frankly Damon was the resident ass hole and we didn't get along at all. Every since I threatened his authority I have been on his bad side. He believes that Tate left him in charge of us, so I just had to remind him no one was controlling me.

Shaking the thought of Damon out of my mind, I watched as the cars parked outside the front gate. There was no movement for several seconds before a lady dressed in a pant suit stepped out of the first car. She had a clip board in one hand and a phone in the other.

From the second car, an older couple stepped out of the front. I thought that was all until two girls and two guys slid out of the back seat of the car. I felt my lips pull into a small smile seeing that they were around my age.

Pulling myself from the window, I rushed out of the room and down the stairs. Skidding around the corner on my socks, I jumped onto the banister sitting there waiting to see them come in.

"Well you know Mr. And Mrs. Rimbauer this is the only house under four hundred this close to the city." I sat watching the lady, who I presumed was the realtor. Her arms gesturing here and there.

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