You're Still Here In My Heart (a lolena oneshot)

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"You're Still Here in My Heart"

"And I'll never be quite the same as I was before this,

I'll wake up from this bad dream I'm dreamin'

I'll realize that I'm so tired of feelin' confused

But for now there's a reason that you're still here in my heart"

It happened exactly 3 months ago before Selena and Justin started dating. She was with the guy she's been crushing since she saw the film Percy Jackson and the Olympian Thief-the one who played the main role Percy. She thought that he will be one of the most successful and well-known actor of this time, and she's right. He became one of the hottest and most popular young actor right now. With his gorgeous blue eyes and god-like features, she was sure that the girls will be swooning over him.

"Are you alright?" Logan asked gazing her from the driver sit.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Selena replied with a smile. She thought that the world stopped revolving as soon as the guy smiled back. She's alright alright. She never felt this happy before in her entire existence. She feels so lucky for sitting in the passenger seat of Logan Lerman's car.

She always imagine of what this moment will feel like, but the feeling she's having right now is so much better of what she' was expecting.

It's not the feeling where a fan meets her celebrity crush and screamed and yelped in excitement, the feeling where you thought your heart can't stop beating faster and faster every second. She's not feeling any of those.

She's feeling an entire moment of joy and happiness, a feeling of contentment. Finally for a long time her mind is at peace.

Selena rushed into the car as the paparazzi swoon around her. She understand that they are just doing this for their jobs, but she can't get herself to like them, they're just so annoying.

She never actually hates them, she just doesn't like the fact that they are practically always around her. She put on her seat belt and beep the horn of her car. She waits patiently for them to move aside then she immediately drove off rolling her eyes thinking that she's dead from her manager.

"You're late." Selena's Mom- and also her manager greet her with an annoyed and mad look.

"I'm sorry." She said faking a smile and gave her mother a quick kiss and a hug.

"Sorry? Just sorry? There's nothing: I'm sorry Mom, there's a traffic out there or I fell asleep in the car or your other lame excuses? not even an explanation why you're an hour late? You did not even answered my calls!"

Selena frowned. She doesn't want to talk about it right now. Why can't her mom just accept the apologize and move on?

she let out a loud sigh and said, "I stopped by at the pet store to buy food for Baylor then I lost my phone, I didn't brought a watch mom, I lost tracked of time." She lied.

"You lost your phone?" Her mom whispered in a yell. She's going to explode Selena thought.

Her mom closed her eyes trying to calm herself. After what it seems like a millenia, her mom gave out a loud sigh and looked at her with a tiring eyes, "We'll talk about this later. For now, just go inside and we will talk about your upcoming projects this year."

Selena didn't wait for another word and get inside the building.

Logan looked at the iPhone on his hand. This is not his. He can still remember everything about yesterday ....


Logan Lerman is walking trough the hot street of LA wearing his sunglasses when he bumped into a familliar figure. The girl had fallen to the ground and her stuffs are scattered around. She frowned.

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