the new maid in the phantomhive manor (black butler fanfiction)

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chapters 1: welcome to the phantomhive manor !

I couldn't wait to start work at the phantomhive manor my first proper job ever .My name is Esther Boston and I was going to become a maid .The carriage stopped and I got out looking at the building in front of me it was very grand and beautiful and seconds after i got my suitcase a butler with black hair and eyes that almost looked red greeted me and said "you must be the new maid , am I correct? ""yes ,my name is Esther" I said a bit to fast  "follow me so that you can meet your new master "the butler said and took the suitcase for me ."So what's your name ?"I ask fiendishly while trying to walk at the same pace as him , I mean I know he is a butler but he dosnt have to walk at 100m an hour  "my name is Sebastian Machaelis the masters butler " and then he stops outside a door with a fancy door knob "why have we stopped ?" I say but then Sebastian knocked on the door and said "young master can we come in ?" "yes you may "I hear a boy say but before I try to figure out who it is me and Sebastian walk into a study and I see a boy who had black hair , blue eyes and had an eye patch on his right eye "hello my name is Ciel phantomhive and you are the new maid ?" that is corect my name is Esther Boston " I say cheerfully and curtsey "because I couldn't interview when you rung up , I will interview you know  please take a seat "Ciel gestures with his hand I walk over and sit on the chair opposite his desk "what can you do ?"Ciel asks "well I know how to cook , sew , clean and write"I reply "where do you Live ?" "south london " "have you ever worked? " "I used to deliver parcels" "last question how old are you? ""thirteen" "now that I know about you I'm glad to say that you have been hired as a new maid "Ciel says and hands me over a maid uniform with a piece of paper on top of it "what will I need this for?"I ask "thats your schedule" Ciel replies "now Sebastian would you go and get mey-rin to take this young lady up to her room " moments later Sebastian comes back with a girl wearing the same maid uniform as the one I was given  and had red hair tied In pigtails and big round glasses "you must be Esther nice to meet you I'm the housemaid mey-rin please follow me to our room " she says but before I go I manedged to say goodbye to Ciel and Sebastian "bye mr ciel bye mr Sebastian" I say "good bye miss Esther" Ciel and Sebastian both say . "Well your very pretty Esther "mey-rin says kindly , I have chestnut brown hair tied In pleats and blue eyes and no one has ever said I was pretty "well hears our room "mey-rin says in a ta-da way .There was two beds , one wardrobe  and two drawers at the sides of each bed "is it just us two who work here " "no there's Finian the gardener , Baldroy the chef and Tanaka the house steward " mey- rin says and then adds "I'll leave you to get unpacked "she says and leaves .

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