Chapter 1

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Summer is the time where I get to lay back and relax. The time where I don't have to wake up to my super loud and annoying alarm clock. It's where all the trees get big and green, the air is kissed with the scent of blooming flowers when the rays of the sun shine down on them, helping them grow. It's the time of the year where the lingering smell of someone grilling outside hits your nose every time you walk outside and can't help but too sniff the air violently trying to savor the scent as if it'll run away.  It's the time where everyone is happy and there's bright colors everywhere, children and teens running everywhere at a pace where their parents can't keep up with. Although I hate the heat of summer, I've always loved the freedom and relaxed feeling that it brought.

But this summer...

This summer was different. It was the summer where it was everything except relaxing and full of freedom.

It was the summer I had to move.

It's not the thought of me losing any friends that bothered me, for I never really liked talking to people. I'd rather sit alone and observe than be surrounded by people who swore up and down they liked me, but in reality would talk about me behind my back. I only have one person that I can talk to without feeling awkward and that's Hinata Shouyo.

Hinata and I have been friends for a couple years now. He can be really loud and hard to keep up with some times, but I only stay with him because he's.. well... Interesting. He always has something up his sleeve, it's always something new with him. Hinata is a very social person and can befriend anyone within seconds. So in other words, I'm always dragged into social situations when I'm around him in public. It's hard to keep up with.

But it's the thought of having to start new and being totally alone that bothers me. Sure all I ever want is to be alone, but just not.. alone, alone. Like there's a difference between having someone to turn too anytime of the day and be alone, vs. actually being alone, like you have no one kind of alone. I would still like to have at least one person to help me keep my mind in tact. I want to be the comfortable alone.

My mom was happy we were moving. My dad got a new job, a new job that pays him more than half the paycheck he used to get. We never really struggled with money. I wouldn't call us rich, but I wouldn't call us poor either. So my dad getting a job that pays more never really made sense to me. I guess anyone would be happy with a job that pays more.

My parents are never really home during the weekdays. My mom is home on the weekends though. But my dad always has work. It doesn't bother me. My dad was always really strict on me. My mom would tell him to tone down his strict ways with me since I'm an only child and all. Guess you could say I can get spoiled at times.

Some times my mom makes us dinner and my dad will eat in his study depending on how busy he is, and other times he'd eat with us at the table. My mom usually forces him.

We moved in about a week ago. I haven't fully unpacked all my things that I actually needed. My house is big. It's a two story. I have the entire top floor to myself. There's only two rooms- one being mine- and a bathroom. The other room might be turned into a gaming room. All I ever do is play video games. They help me escape reality and keep me busy. They're all I know how to do correctly. And if I mess up, I can start over.

Whenever it hits "game over" I can just restart it if I don't want it to end. You can't do that in life. There is no do-over. 

I stayed in my room the entire time we've been in this new house, unless I needed food of course. My room is pretty big for someone as small as me. I'm seventeen but short. Well I'm not short but average height. But for a seventeen year old, some people could say I'm short for my age. I've been told I'm really slender too and I know I am. I'm skinny and barley have any muscle. Hinata's friend, Kageyama, said if you were to hug me tight enough I might break. He also said I need to drink more milk.

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