Part 1

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Taylor walks down the stairs to the kitchen. All of a sudden she sees a mouse. She wants to scream. But she doesn't. Instead, she transforms into a snake and vacuums the mouse into her mouth. All of a sudden, she's in what look like a garden. Taylor gasps. It was bootiful! But why was she here? And why was she a snake?(although lets be honest we all know the answer to that question)
Tayyyyyyylor sees a woman(dId YoU jUsT mIsGeNdEr Me??) in the distance. She slithers over, but the woman still doesn't see her. Taylor slithers up onto the woman's shoulder and whispers in her ear
"Hey sweet honeylicious baby grill what you doin"
Eve screamed. Taylor shrunk and crawled inside Eve's earlobe. She seductively slithered around in Eve's intestines like Gary The Snail. (reference to my last fanfic!!!1 you should go read it,,, its called The Secret Sex Life of Spongebob Squarepants,,, its lit👌) 
Eve moans. (just wanted to point out that im writing this on a bus full of EXTREMELY religious people) Finally TayTay finished giving Eve her sugar.

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