ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ: ''ᵐᵉᵉᵗᶤᶰᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ₂ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉᵐ''

369 14 3

[мια'ѕ ρσιηт σƒ νιєω; вє∂яσσм]

I was in my bedroom, unpacking my clothing and putting them in my new dresser. I was still tired, from sleeping on that plane for about an hour or so! I sighed and put my suitcase under my bed.

I then went into the bathroom and did my routine and mess. I walked out with my natural hair flowing from my back. I put on some lotion and deodorant. I grabbed me out a few clothing which were: Black wife beater, black basketball shorts, and plain ol’ black socks.

I wrapped my hair up in an high-top bun and grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. I was patting my hair, and then ended up on the floor.

‘’Oh gosh!‘’ Exclaimed that person whom had bumped into me. ‘’I am so, so sorry miss!‘’ He apologized. I chuckled a bit, and smiled.

‘’It’s okay!‘’ I said. That person chuckled and smiled and held their hand out. I smiled and grabbed onto it and it pulled me up.

I dusk-ed myself and looked at that person. The guy was taller than me! Way, way, way taller son!

‘’Like what cha see?‘’ He said in an jokingly voice. I rolled my eyes playfully and playfully hit him. He did a sexy ass smile to boy!

‘’I’m Ray by the way.‘’ He introduced himself. I smiled as he kissed my hand. And blushed so hard!

‘’Hi Ray! I’m Mia.‘’ I smiled, while blushing still. He chuckled.

‘’Well, Miss Mia, do you mind if we grab a bite tomorrow?‘’ He asked gently. I was jumping, up and down in the inside! He got my heart racing!

‘’Sure, Ray!‘’ I smiled. He smiled back and said, ‘all right’. He winked at me and went to his room, i’m assuming. I blushed and sighed, when he closed the door. I continued walking downstairs and someone grabbed me by my waist and I yelped. But, in time, he/she covered my mouth and faced me to them. It was: CHRESANTOS!

‘’Aye, don’t think we’re friends! Cause we’re NOT! I’m doing this one time and one time only!‘’ He half screamed and whispered. I nodded, while muffling. ‘’Good! Anyways, Ray is a player, and I DO NOT want you too hang out with him! Do you hear me, Mia?‘’

At this point, I had tears in my eyes. He was talking to me like NOTHING had happen! And he was even talking to me like I was some kind of dog or something too!

He took his hand off my lips. He gave me a mug and went back downstairs. I sighed in frustration. He was doing that! Ugh, I can’t live in this house! He’s in here!

I HAVE to might suffer with hell! Fuck my life. I hate it, it’s even like when I was at my old school and old neighborhood..

I shrugged that new upcoming thoughts and continued my way downstairs. Then, I finally, met with the girl, whom I am assuming, who is now going out with Chresantos.

‘’Um, little girl,‘’ she said in a sassy voice. ‘’If you don’t back AWAY from my man, I WILL give you the ass-whooping of your life hunny!‘’ She warned. ‘’Okay? Get it, got it, Bam!‘’ She walked away, trying to twist her ass. She couldn’t because she didn’t have an ass!

I shook my head and walked my way up to the kitchen. I grabbed me out some gummy-bears from the top-cabinet and grabbed me out an Pepsi out the fridge. I shut the door, grabbed my items/snacks, and walked inside the living room to sit down.

I sat down, and changed the channel to Spongbob. Don’t judge me, but I love him! I started opening my gummy-bear bag and ate some and drunk some Pepsi.

‘’Hi there.‘’ Said a voice. I turned my way to the stairs. There, I laid my eyes to a beauty! A Afro man. I love it!

‘’Hi.‘’ I said back. He smiled and sat beside me.

‘’I’m Jacob, but call me Princeton or Prince.‘’ He introduced. I smiled, I said my name. He said he liked my name! I’m flying on cloud-9 right now!

He grabbed some gummy-bears and drunk some of my soda. I did an ‘O’ kind-of face.

‘’Hey!‘’ I yelled. I snatched my soda from his grasped.

‘’Hey!‘’ He copied me. I rolled my eyes playfully, he did a smile.

‘’Buddies?‘’ He asked, while holding his Pinkie-finger in front of me. I smiled. And blushed.

‘’Sure!‘’ I smiled and said. I pinkie-fingered him back. We started to know to each other!

I think I’ve found my Mr. Right, not trying to go fast!

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