Chapter 1

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A tall man with cold ice blue eyes and short sandy blonde hair appear in the main room of the bunker with a whoosh of his wings. Lucifer looked around and saw no one. "I would have thought that one of those denim wrapped nightmares would be here." he sighed and started to walk around. "Hello?! Winchesters? Sammy boy? Anyone here? I'll even settle for little cassie." no one replied to his calls. Dean was asleep in his room but was awoken by the sound of someone yelling and walking around.

Dean groaned in frustration. "Cant Sammy just be quiet for once." he buried his face in his pillow. He heard the voice again but raised his head in suspicion. The voice wasn't Sam's. It wasn't cas' either. It was too...different. He grabbed his gun from the night stand and got up from the comfort of his bed. He quietly opened the door. Gun drawn, the green-eyes Hunter snuck out to the location of the voice. Lucifer's back was turned to Dean. Dean crept up behind him and pointed the gun at his head. "Hey douche bag. How did you find this place? How did you get in? And lastly who are you?"

Lucifer didn't move, he only smirked. Dean could feel how cold his presence was. The type of bone chilling cold that burned through to your very soul. "I said turn around dick!" Dean pistol whipped Lucifer. Lucifer turned his head enough so Dean could see the side of the blonde's face. It was only at this point Dean realized how fucked he was. "L-Lucifer" A sinister grin crept across the fallen angel's lips as Dean backed up. He had no defense against an angel, he didn't have an angel blade. Dean did what he thought was a good plan, he emptied a full round into the archangel and took off towards his room to grab an angel blade.

Lucifer sighed and let out a small amused chuckle. "Come on Dean. That's no way to greet a guest. You humans have no manners nowadays." Lucifer followed Dean as he ran down the corridor, locking himself in his room. Dean fumbled through his drawers looking for an angel blade. He relaxed slightly as his fingers slid across the cold foreign metal. He pulls the angel blade out. As he turned around he came face to face with the devil, who was uncomfortably close. "Come on Dean. I just want to talk." Lucifer motioned his fingers to the side, sending the angel blade across the room. "If I wanted to hurt you I would have done that already. I seriously just want to talk."

"I'm not gonna listen to anything you have to say. You are a monster, satan." Dean tried to get past Lucifer only for the taller blonde to grab him by the throat and pin him to the wall. Dean gasped and yelped in surprise.

"You should really learn some respect. I said I just wanted to talk. I....sort of..." Lucifer's voice got really quiet and Dean couldn't make out the last part of what he said. He gave the devil a confused look, both hands grasping tightly to the hand on his throat.

"What.....was that?" Dean was having a hard time breathing let alone talking, he gave Lucifer a surprised and confused look when the archangel gently released him and lowered his head in submission.

"I need your help." this could not be happening. The devil, asking for his help. But here he was, the archangel Lucifer in the flesh (well vessel) Satan, Beelzebub, asking for his help.

"And why does the Prince of darkness want my help?" Lucifer snapped his fingers and they were in the main room of the bunker, sitting in chairs across from each other. Lucifer was very lax in his chair, leaning back and had one arm resting on the arm rest brought up to his face massaging his temple. Dean looked around in surprise.

"I figured you would be more comfortable talking in a more open space. Personally I don't care but I doubt you will hear me out if I make you uncomfortable. There are....people after me. I don't know who and I only sort of know why....they are seeking to control me. Use me as a pet or collectors item. As much as I don't care for humanity, father said I could be out So long as I didn't get myself into trouble, so no murder or anything like that." Dean listened closely and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, he was more uncomfortable being face to face with Satan and having no weapon then anything else. "They already tried once to get me...but I managed to get away." Lucifer winced as he shifted in his seat and Dean could see blood soaking through his clothes on his side.

HunterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon