How to Act Like a Hetalian Prt2

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45. After sleeping with someone, deny it

46. Become friends with whales and aliens 

47. Study magic 

48. Hide in crates of Tomatoes 

49. Claim other things as your own (unless they don't work, like mind reading binoculars) 

50. Cut your hair to look like your siblings 

51. When you drink, get a lot- like take off all your clothes 

52. Be in love with a psycho 

53. Hold fake mustaches up to people (wait, now it looks like you have a mustache!!) 

54. Be a pirate 

55. Own a map of your country (It's the world map, well to you at least) 

56. Eat/Drink while giving speeches 

57. Grunt (words are frivolous) 

58. When talking to your friends don't be afraid to take their clothes off (they get in the way anyways) 

59. Be able to turn invisible (by your free will or not) 

60. Change the color of your hair and eyes depending on what your are doing 

61. When asked out, don't acknowledge them (ooooh! Look at the birdy!)

62. Have an army of cats 

63. Express yourself with music 

64. Have a parallel of yourself in a different dimension 

65. Wax your eyebrows (too bad it doesn't make a difference) 

66. Have vacation homes in every city (if there isn't one there yet, build it!) 

67. Have a pet polar bear, puffin, or other exotic animals 

68. Have a cat counter-part 

69. Try to get people to buy your pots 

70. Be Santa 

71. Throw soccer balls and baseballs in people's faces

72. Yell random things during meetings ("Pasta" is most preferable)

73. Clothes are wonderful food storage devices.

74. When offered ice cream: Slip on a banana peel, hit your head, break your foot, and get blood everywhere while you go get it.

75. Have your friends sign your "Calendar".

76. After saying what is on your mind, Invoke your shyness towards strangers.

77. Live in "splendid isolation".

78. Give people flowers and tell them "I don't mind becoming friends with you".

80. Punish people with marmite.

81. Every time you escape from jail, emerge with +1 mouse on your head.

82. Be deeply touched when others are shocked at the world's supposed end.

83. Get excited about being stranded.

84. Put a spell on people for moral support.

85. Eat the ending.

86. When worried poke people in the face even if they say stop.

87. Proverb to know: One should not trust Italians.

88. Be in love with someone for over 900 years and not even realize it.

This concludes this series. 

I LOVE YOU ALL. Its true, and I would like to give a sincere 'Thank you' who took the time to read this. Now go do your homework. 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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