The Party

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So you and Kyra get to the party and wait for jacob and tyler get here before you guys go in
so, me and tyler ,pull up and I see y/n and Kyra waiting for us and damn y/n Looks fine
Tyler:wow, kyra looks amazing
Jacob:to be honest, I'm only gonna say this because I don't feel the way I feel to kyra so, y/n Looks so hot , hot better than kyra
Then jacob and tyler start laughing and then they get out and go to y/n and Kyra
so me and Kyra are waiting and then I see tyler and jacob walking towards us and might I say jacob looks HOT asf
Jacob:hey, baby girl
Jacob:you look hot asf
Then y/n blushes and trys to hide it
Jacob:don't hide it , you are so cute when you blush
Tyler: omg , get a room
Kyra: oh, be quiet, it's cute , ok come on , let's party
Everyone: YAS
So, we walk in to the party and already there is some drunk people and people dancing the music isn't that loud , so you can still hear, then some of your friends call you over
Kyra and tyler go to dance , you'll see them later , and jacob says he's gonna see some of his friends and you go to your friends and you have what drinks and you guys have already been there for about 3 hours
Kyra and tyler are dancing and talking and drinking a little
So, you and your friends and jacob ask to play spin the bottle and double agree and then it starts and the first round 5 of your friends land on each other and then they go and now it's jacobs turn he's a little drunk and it lands on you and he comes over to you with a smirk on his face and kisses you for about a minute and you finally pill away and he has a sad face on and then you guys are done with spin the bottle, we 3 hours later, you are not drunk because you didn't want a hangover and then kyra and tyler say bye and then they leave and then jacob comes over to you and wraps his arms around your face and whispers something in your ear
Jacob:I'm ready to go , go how bout you
Ya, ok let's go
You say bye and jacobs still a little drunk , he drank a little bit more an hour ago
So, you drive jacob and you to your house, he wants to spend the night at your house and as your driving like usually he puts his hand on your thigh but he puts it closer, and closer and you move his hand , because your still a virgin and not ready, to have it , the closest you got was making out and your still not ready, Jacob gives you a sad look and confusion and a little anger
You finally get there and you tell jacib to shower first and then you can go shower , so he goes , while you clean your room and since he basically lives here with you , he has cloths , so once he's done you go in the bathroom and take a shower , when your done you put on

But without the shoes and you leave your down and you get out of the bathroom and you go grab your phone and you lay down , then jacob comes upstairs to your room and he lays right next to you and starts to mess with you , he has a white shirt on ...

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But without the shoes and you leave your down and you get out of the bathroom and you go grab your phone and you lay down , then jacob comes upstairs to your room and he lays right next to you and starts to mess with you , he has a white shirt on and gray sweatpants on
He starts to tickle you
Jacob stop , you say laughing
Jacob: no, I love your laugh
Then he looks in your eyes and leans in to kiss you and you lean in too and then right when you get close to his lips , you run away downstairs and then jacob starts to chase after you , and then without him knowing you run back upstairs and get on your bed and go on your phone , then he walks in and smirks at you
Jacob:so, you like teasing me uh
Jacob:well, i can tease too
Then you look at him with confusion
Jacob:you don't get to kiss me at all night
That's not teasing
Jacob:well, good luck because I'm serious
Ok , Whatever you say
Jacob: oh and also no cuddling at all
What, that's not fair
Jacob:well, you shouldn't be teasing me
Fine, we'll gn , I grabbed my pillow and a blanket and went downstairs and got on the couch and layed down
I don't like this , I can't stand not kissing her or cuddling with her , I love those things
So I went downstairs and saw y/n laying on the couch, on her phone
So I moving the covers and sat on her and then covered us with me sitting on her and looking at her
y/n:i thought you said no cuddling
She said with a smirk and I couldn't stand not kissing her , so I smashed my lips on hers , then I said
I can't stand not kissing you or cuddling you , I need to
She smiled
Y/n:same to you
Then I smashed my lips to hers again , but we kept kissing and I slide my tongue against her bottom lip asking for an entrance and she agreed and then, it started to get heating , I slide my hand on her inner thigh and then starting kissing her jaw line and then her neck and she let a moan and it made me so happy by now she is laying down and I'm in between her legs (they are still in there cloths lol)
And then on addcient I starting grinding on her and let out more moans
so, me and jacob were talking and now we are making out and he is kissing my neck and jaw line and grinding on me don't get me wronge , it feels really good , but then I feel something hard on my inner thigh really close to something and then I tell jacob to stop, I'm not ready
as we are doing it hear y/n say stop and I immediately stop
Are you ok
Y/n:yea, I'm fine it's just I'm not ready
Then tears come out of her eyes
Baby, it's fine , I will wait as long as you need I'm fine with just kissing and cuddling you , you just say stop , when you uncomfortable and I will stop
Y/n:thank you and I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just scared
Well, it's fine I will wait as long as you want because I love you
Y/n:l love you so much , words can't explain , how did I get so lucky with you
I love you so much too and I will never leave you
Then he kisses you then he gets off if you , then he gets next to you and you face him and he faces you and you guys cuddle together with the blanket on both of you and you guys fall alseep (you guys are cuddling that's how you guys feel alseep

But without the shoes and you leave your down and you get out of the bathroom and you go grab your phone and you lay down , then jacob comes upstairs to your room and he lays right next to you and starts to mess with you , he has a white shirt on ...

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Hope you like this chapter

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