Chapter two: And The Obsession Begins

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Summer looks so good today. Did I just say this? You know what I'm not going to hide it anymore, I like Summer. I like Summer.

"Yo dude you okay?" Zack said

"Perfectly fine. Why?"

"Why!? You were staring at something for about 20 minutes" he exclaimed

"Whaaaaaaaaaat. No of course not" really Freddy way to make it seem cool.

"Yeah sure and I'm 21 years old" something tells me he's not buying it.

"So who is it?" He said

"Who? How do you know it's a who?"

"Jones I just know"

I don't think I can keep hiding this from Zack. I mean he's my best friend. We never lie to each other. Well except for that one time. And the other time-okay well maybe we do lie to each other. Bros lie to each other sometimes. He did say who he liked so maybe if I tell him he won't go and do something stupid.

"Is he always like this?" I heard a o-so familiar voice I've come to love. Summer.

"I mean today yes. Rest of the time, no. Don't know what's up with him." Zack said.

"I was gonna ask him to be my partner but I'll just be tomikas." Wait no summer, she can't go.  Ughhhh my stupid mind. Than she walked over to tomika and my chances were blown.

"Woah dude summer wanted to be your partner. Score!" Laurence said. Wait, when did Laurence get here?

"Yeah well I blew my chance." I said

"Do you like summer?!" Laurence and Zack both exclaimed at the same time.

"GUYS!!!!!!! Ya know she can hear us!" I yelled at them.

"Omg I can't believe it!!!" Zack said.

"Believe what?" Tomika said as her and summer came up to us.

Uh oh.

An I had some people comment for me to post because they liked to story and I never would've thought people would like my books. I was on a cruise for a week and didn't have wifi or service on my phone so sorry. Give this a vote and comment some ideas. ❤️


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