Chapter 1: Class topic of the day... Spain

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"Katia. Are you listening?"

Snapping out of my daze I look at my Spanish teacher who is staring at me with his eyebrow arched.

"Sorry Mr. Diaz. La capital de Espana es Madrid. (The capital of Spain is Madrid.)" responding in one breath. 

Staring at me for a few seconds he nodded his head. "Muy bien. Espero que siga prestando atencion. (Very good. I hope you continue to pay attention.)" then turned around walking back to read from his book.

"Si Senor Diaz. (Yes Mr. Diaz.)" responding back. As a matter of fact I wasn't really paying attention like I should be. Ever since our Spanish class started studying Spain I have been lost in deep thought. Thoughts I tried pushing away from a few years ago. Thoughts that are flooding back... and thoughts of the one person who will be my downfall once again... him.

"Katia! Wait up!" 

Turning my head to the side I see my best friend Alicia who was jogging up to me from her class that is next to my Spanish one.

"Ready for exciting History?" asking once she was next to me.

"As ready as I could be." sounding not very enthusiastic. I usually liked History class, but lately I have felt off about my classes or just in general.

Walking inside the classroom, a few of our friends waved hello as we made our way down the isle to our seats. "Wonder what the new country of origin we are going to be studying this semester?" Alicia asked curiously sitting down next to me.

Shrugging, we hear the bell. "Okay class. I know most of you are wondering what Country we are going to be studying this semester. So, we will be studying the beautiful country of..." Mr. Cavanaugh started to say.

Looking at Alicia I hear him say. "... Spain." which made me widen my eyes.

Snapping my head forward I see Mr. Cavanaugh staring at me. "Katia, is everything alright?"

Staying silent, I feel my arm being nudged by Alicia. "Yes Mr. Cavanaugh. Everything... is fine. 

Nodding his head he continued. "Can someone tell me a bit of Spain's history?"

Shaking my head I glanced over at Alicia who gave me a sad smile then squeezed my hand.

A few people in the class gave out answers about Spain, until Mr. Cavanaugh says. "Glad to know most of you know a bit of Spain. How about this? Who is the President or Prime Minister of Spain?" looking around the room.

"Mariano Rajoy Brey... I think." a girl said aloud from one side of the room.

"Correct Olivia. How about the Deputy Prime Minister?" asking the class. "Megan? Do you know?"

"Is it Maria Santon? I know she has a lot of names so that is the short version of it." hearing the class laugh.

"Yes Megan. Her full name is Maria Soraya Saenz de Santamaria Santon. Try saying that ten times fast." Mr. Cavanaugh says making the class laugh except me and Alicia.

"Okay now, who can tell me who the Military Chief of staff is... Katia?"

Snapping my head up to see my teacher's pursed lips waiting for my answer I sat up clearing my throat since I felt it dry up. "It's..."

"It's?" he asked waiting impatiently. What is wrong with him? He's never acted like this with any of us in class.

"It's General Admiral Fernando Garcia Sanchez." my voice faltering.

 Having to look away from Mr. Cavanaugh's staring eyes I fidgeted with my hands, something I did when nervous. 

"Good to know you know the answer Ms. Solis. Well, let's take some notes class." turning around to the white board.

 Letting out a shaky breath I glance over to Alicia who looked sad and upset. "Why did he ask you that?"

Shaking my head from side to side I tell her. "I don't know and I don't want to know either." taking my notebook so I can write the notes that out teacher was writing on the white board. Notes on a country that made my life a living hell.


Hello guys. How are you? For those who haven't read any of my stories and for my regular, Welcome to my new story. 

I know you guys are thinking that I am crazy since I have so many and only have finished "I'm Only His...(Book 1)" but I have had this story on my mind for months and finally sat down to write it yesterday. I needed something new and honestly, my brain needed the change of characters for personal reasons.

Anyways, hope you guys will like this story as much as you like my other ones. If not, no hard feelings. 

For new readers check out my other stories if interested.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting.

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