Chapter 1

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A/N- italic writing is when they are speaking French.


I was with my friend Fleur. She was a seventh year student but she was still my friend and adoptive older sister. I also have a younger adoptive sister.
Madame Maxine wants me to come with her and all the seventh year students to Hogwarts. I don't know why I have to go but she told me that Fleur and Danielle (younger sister) I'm also coming so I told her I would come with them.
I was busy in my room unpacking.You see all the girls at Baubexton has their own rooms since it is an all girls school and every girl gets their own rooms which is fun since none of your stuff goes missing.
I was dressed in a top and my favorite jacket over jeans. I spent a lot of time on my hair, styling it beautifully, before stealing a quick glance of myself in the dressing table mirror. I never left home without my lucky blue necklace. It was my mother's. She gave it to me when I was still little, so my adoptive mother gave it to me when I turned 11 years old on the day they told me I was adopted.
After I was done packing I went to find Fleur who was in the dining hall for lunch. Seeing as we are leaving tomorrow for Hogwarts we need to get to bed earlier because we need to wake up earlier.
"Fleur have you by any chance seen my song book?" I asked her seeing as I can't find it.
"No sorry where did you see it last?" She asked. I started to think and then I remembered I forgot it at home.
"I forgot it at home I will just ask mum to send it to me." I said and she nodded.
My song book is one of my most precious belongings since I write my songs in them. The only people who know what is in the book are Fleur,Danielle, mum and dad and Madame Maxine since she once took it away from me when I was busy writing in it during our dance lessons. I am not a great dancer since I don't like dancing I try to focus on music since that is something I really like.
I guickly wrote a letter to mum and sent it to her. I knew it reached her since we live in France and Baubexton is in France.
It was dinner time and Madame Maxine was telling the school that we will be part of the tri-wizard tournament. She told all the seventh year girls and Danielle to practice their dances tonight and then she told me to write a song which I am to sing when we go to Hogwarts, seeing as I won't be joining the dancers. Luckily I already have a song I could sing. I just need to practice it before hand.

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