Roxy and Skrill

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"Yo Rox!". I turn around and see Diplo. "Hey." Being a tomboy girl I never really hugged people. I man hugged Diplo. "How have you been?". I shrug. "Same I guess except for the Marijuana". He chuckled. "Oh, I want you to meet someone". I nodded and he lead me to a room that was so fucking gothic I loved it. "Skrill, man get up you bimbo". I stood by the doorway while Diplo shook the guy awake. "What the fuck!?". I laughed a bit. "Get up its 3pm! And Roxanne's here". He shot up and ducked my sight and headed towards I'm guessing his bathroom?

Diplo pounding on the bathroom door was starting to annoy me. "I'm fucking busy! So fucking wait!". Diplo groaned and walked towards me. "Sorry he's an ass". I shrugged and the door opened. "Finally!". I laughed as Skrillex pulled his zap finger at him. "Imma go smoke". He left the room and Diplo followed. I shrugged it off and followed them.

We laughed at D as he was yelling at his ex. I wouldn't blame him. "Do you smoke?". I shook my head. "But you smoke Marijuana?". "Guilty is charged". He handed me a cigarette and lit it for me. To be honest it was freaking awesome. "So I'm guessing we're gonna work together?". I nodded.  "Well this will be one hell of a joyride". I laughed.

A/N: hey whatya think? I love Skrillex and decided to publish a book about him💜

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