Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I knocked on Austin's door for the third time, and he still didn't answer. I knew he was in there. I was about to just walk in, but I hesitated.

Finally, I held my breath and pushed the door open.

There was a futon bed against the side wall, a dresser on the other side, and Austin sitting at a small desk across from me.

I looked around at the walls, which had posters scattered on them with things like "Happy 15th Birthday Austin!" and "Austin I love you!" written on them.

Either this kid had a lot of friends, or he was just really full of himself.

Either way, I walked over to Austin and tapped on his shoulder.

He almost jumped out of his pants.

"Oh, Sophie," he said relieved. "What's up?"

"Yeah, hey, I was wondering since mine seems to be lost in my luggage, if I could borrow an iPhone charger, I noticed you had one so...."

"Oh, yeah sure," he jumped up and unplugged his charger from the wall. "Here you go."

"Thanks," I said while looking over his shoulder at his computer. "Whatcha doing over there?"

"Nosy much?" he said with a smile. "It's a music video. I'm just editing it."

"Oh wow, you sing?" I was impressed. "You didn't come off that way when I first met you. I thought you looked like a punk."

"Oh that. That was because I was filming a cover of 'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars. I was 'getting into character'," he said with a dramatic bow and a hint of a British accent.

I laughed.

"What?" he asked, but he couldn't help laughing, too.

His phone buzzed and he checked it.

He looked up from his phone, "Hey do you wanna come somewhere with me?"

"Where?" I questioned.

"To hang out with my friend Caleb."

I hesitated. I hadn't really been in a normal social setting since my parents died.

"I-I don't know"

"Come on Soph, I know it's hard but some fun will really help you take your mind off of things."

His face was so genuine, I couldn't help but say yes. I knew he was right. I couldn't live like this forever, just hiding myself away and closing everyone out. I just didn't know if I was ready yet.

But I guess I had try sooner or later.

"Ok," I finally gave in. "Where are we going?"

"He didn't tell me where he was," I looked at him with a questioning look. "We usually just use the 'Find My Friends' app on my phone. It's more fun that way."

"Oh, I've always wanted to try that app, but none of my friends had iPhones."

"Well download it now. I can be your friend on there," he said with a smile.

This kid would honestly make my heart melt if it wasn't so closed off right now.

I quickly shook those feelings away, now was not the time for that.

"So where is he?" I tried to turn the subject away from me.


"Caleb? Where is he?"

"Oh. He's at the park. We're probably gonna end up shooting some hoops.


"Rebound! Rebound!"

"Come on!"

"What are you doing?!"

This was chaos.

A bunch of sweaty teenage guys shoving each other around trying to shoot a ball into a hoop.

Oh well. Whatever floats their boat.

All of a sudden, the ball came flying toward me. I ducked and it went flying into the parking lot behind me.

"Hey Sophie! Can you get that?" Austin yelled.

In answer, I got up and jogged over to the parking lot where the ball was.

Just as I was getting closer to the ball, a dark blue car pulled up and stopped right on top of it.

I stopped and stared at the car, getting a little annoyed.

Suddenly, the window rolled down to reveal a man with dark sunglasses. He was staring straight at me.

He spoke first, "May I help you?"

I couldn't speak. Like the words would not come out. Finally, I managed to get some air in my lungs and choke out, "Your car."

"Excuse me?"

"Your car, it's on top of our basketball."

"Oh, right of course," he said as if he already knew that information.

He backed his car up a few feet and I stepped forward and grabbed the ball.

"Well have a good day," he said before speeding off.

My heart was beating out of my chest. something about that guy gave me the chills.

"Yo! You coming Sophie?" Austin's voice snapped me out of a daze.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered as I jogged back over to the court.

Austin jogged over to meet me, noticing the dazed expression on my face.

"Are you ok?" He said with a lowered voice.

"Yeah, it's just, that guy over ther-" I looked up at him but he was already jogging back over to his game.

Ugh, guys.

After about another half an hour of basketball and two more sightings of that dark blue car, me, Austin, and Caleb finally left.

I've gotta admit, the fresh air felt good, but the encounter with that man had me on high alert.

We walked across the parking lot and got in Austin's car. As we pulled out, I checked behind us for the car. I did the same thing all the way back to the house.

"Are you ok?" Caleb asked.

"Huh, what? Yeah I'm fine," but he didn't seem to believe me because his questioning look didn't go away.

"Ok fine. You know that blue car that was by me when I was getting the ball earlier?"

He nodded. Austin was listening now, too.

"Well I saw it two more times. It was like it was watching me. I don't know, I just feel paranoid now."

Caleb nodded. "Yeah, that guy in the car did seem a little sketchy."

But as we pulled into the driveway of the house and got out of the car, the conversation dropped.

We walked inside and Austin and Caleb went straight to the couch and turned on the PlayStation.

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, but before I could get to the fridge, the phone rang.

I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Sophie Brooks?"

"Um yeah. Who's this?"

"The police. We're going to need you to come down to the station."



AHH so I hope you liked it!!

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Secrets (Austin Mahone Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang