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"Dad!" Dan groans pulling at his dad's sleeve. "Stop it you're embarrassing me!"
His Dad laughs as Dan covers his face with his fringe. "Fine fine. I'll stop showing Rick your baby pictures." He consents before standing up and walking out of the room, most likely to get a camera to take about a thousand pictures of the two
Rick chuckles slightly. "If it helps, you had a very cute ass" He states before leaning in and whispering so only Dan could hear (and Phil of course since he was always uncomfortably close) "You still do"
Dan blushes hiding behind his hands.
"He's lying. He doesn't find your ass even slightly appealing" Phil growls lowly.
Dan resists the urge to glare at him and instead turns his attention back to Rick. "Maybe you can see a bit more of this ass if tonight goes well." He murmurs into Ricks ear and causing Phil to gag besides him.
"Ugh, this is why teenage humans are the worst. They're always so horny" Phil mumbles crossing his arms. 
Rick smirks opening his mouth to respond, but isn't able to because Dan's father walks back into the lounge with a camera.
"Alright! Alright! Pictures!" He exclaims excitedly motioning for the couple to stand together by the door.
Dan and Rick share a look before chuckling and standing by the door posing as Phil stands behind his dad.
About 5 minutes later and what felt like a thousand pictures they were on our way.
"Jeez, are human parents always like that?" Phil asks rolling his eyes. "That took forever"
Dan chooses to ignore him, instead turning towards Rick.
"Are we going to dinner first?" He asks him.
Rick shakes his head. "No time, sorry, straight to the dance." He responds seemingly distracted.
Dan nods biting his lip slightly disappointed. "Oh. Okay" He mumbles.
The trio finally arrive at the school, where the dance was being held. As Phil floated away (probably to torment some poor kid) Rick and Dan headed to the dance floor.
"You know when you asked me to the dance, I was really excited" Dan admits, a small blush working it's way up his cheeks.
"Mhm" Rick mumbles distractedly eyes scanning the crowd.
Dan purses his lips "What made you want to call me?" He asks hoping to get Rick engaged in the conversation.
"My friends dared me to" He admits before his eyes widen and his gaze snaps to Dan's "B-because they knew I had a crush on you, but I was too chicken to ask you out myself" He chuckles.
Dan beams. "Really!?" He asks.
Rick nods before leaning down and whispering into Dan's ear. "You know, this place is getting pretty boring, what do you say we head back to my house and have a little more fun there?"
Dan gulps. The 'good boy' part of him was screaming at him to refuse the offer. But 'Dan Jr.' didn't seem to hear the other part of him.
He nods wordlessly and allows Rick to take his hand and drag him out the door and down the street towards his house.
Phil frowns seeing the pair leave, dropping a cup he had lifted to scare a scrawny girl with braces and following them.
He didn't necessarily like or want Dan to be the one who had to save his people, but he didn't trust Rick either, and by any chance Dan was the one to save them, he didn't want him getting hurt.
Leaving the girl crying behind him he follows Dan and Rick out the front doors of the school and towards a large white house which he assumed was Rick's.

"Head up to my room, I'll meet you there" Rick whispers to Dan.
Dan nods wordlessly gulping again and walking up the steps towards his room. Sitting on the bed his mind begins to race
Was this really a good idea?
What if someone were to find out?
But all of these thoughts flew out of his head as soon as Rick walked in. Followed by Phil.
Rick turns around for a minute to close the window and curtains and Dan takes that moment to glare at Phil and point towards the door. The message was clear. 'Get the fuck out of here.'
Phil rolls his eyes but complies, walking quickly out the door not wanting to be there when Dan loses his virginity to the douche bag known as Rick

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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