1- Im Sorry

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Wanna give a little information about the characters. Maya is 16 , Lucas is 17. Riley is 15 and Farkle is 16. Josh is 19.  The parents won't really be in the book so much, they still exist lol just won't be brought up that much or Auggie.

I'm sorry-

"Stop!" I yelled laughing as I hit Lucas with the pillow.

He laughed falling back from the impact. I kicked him slightly on his leg and he tapped my arm in return. After us dying of laughter he pulled me in close so that we were eye to eye, chest to chest and nose to nose.

"If I kiss you would you still be mad?" He whispered against my neck.

"Hmm...maybe" I spoke lowly.

He began to kiss my neck passionately and slow. I bit my lip loving every moment of it. His right hand inched slowler and slower up my thigh almost reaching my boy shorts.

"How about now?" He mumbled against my lips.

I nodded placing each of my palms on his face pulling our like fully together. My hands rubbed through his hair as the kiss started to get intense. He bit my lip asking for entrance that I gladly gave him, we went into a full on tongue wrestle.

The handle of my apartment door started to shake. I heard the keys on the other end of the door causing me to quickly turn the lamp on and move to the other couch before my mother came in.

"Hi Maya, Lucas." My mother chanted as she waltzed in the apartment. "I smell popcorn." She digged into the ball and stuffed some in her mouth.

"Thanks for asking mom." I said sarcastically.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass out the cabinet pooring some water into it. She took a quick so before sitting it back down. I looked at Lucas nervously and he returned the look.

"So, how was you guys day?"

"Normal stuff. " I shrugg.

"Yeah, normal stuff. Oh! We had tatter tots today... That's pretty out of the ordinary."Lucas said causing my mom to stare at him weirdly. I hit his leg laughing nervously.

"Ohhh huckleberry, you little kidder." I eyed him. "Soo Mom how was your day at work? Any new pasteries?" I asked crossing my legs Cris cross apple sauce.

She sat her restless body on the sofa and rubbed through her long golden brownish hair.

"It was tiresome Maya. I just wish I had a better job, don't get me wrong I'm very thankful for Tapanga offering me the job but... Its barely bringing in cash."

Lucas looked at my mom than me with sadness in his eyes. I know he's gonna have some type of plan to fix this but I dont know what it is with this kid. Every situation isn't fixable.

"I can get a job mom."

"Awe sweety." She got up and sat beside me. She pulled a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled. "You don't have to do that. Your only job is school and living your life while your young." She kissed my head before getting up again and yawning. "I'm gonna go to bed. You can order pizza if you want, night Lucas." She waved walking into her room.

I took a long breath before turning to Lucas.

"Whew that was way too close! Our secret almost got out."

He looked at me biting his lip nervously.

"What's wrong now?"


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