The new student - Chapter 1

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New dawns, New beginning, New Life

"Alright class, we have a new student here with us today, Everyone say hi to-"

"Ok, no stop please. Look I don't want to be mean, but I'm so not in the mood, can I just sit down and can the class just start?"

"Um, ok, are you sure?" The teacher asked.

"Yes, can I just sit down, please."

"Strider," A blond dude from the back of the class stood up. "Sit next to him, Ok?"

I nodded and walked over to the empty seat and practically threw myself against the desk just wanting sleep.

"Dude, what's with the attitude?"

"Screw off and leave me alone." I said annoyed and so not in the mood for this guy's bullshit cool guy crap.

"Fine chill out bro, lighten up." He said as emotionless as ever. I clicked my tongue and pulled up the hood of my sweater, covering up my face so I could hopefully get a bit of sleep.

"So who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?"

The Strider guy kept bugging me. I grumbled against the desk hoping he'd get the idea, but he only laughed.

"Strider and Routhier, stop talking and pay attention." The teacher ordered us, which only made me glare daggers at her as I lifted my head from the desk groggily.

I didn't want to deal with any of this right now, not after last night.

The blond next to me, leaned against his desk and began whispering instead. "So come on dude, what's up with the grumpy attitude?" His shades shined my reflection back at me, God he was such a douchebag, major tool, every girl in class was practically staring at him in a daze, he just pissed me off knowing he was there.

"Stop calling me dude." I said bitterly, placing the sleeves of my oversize hoodie on the desk to lie down again.

"Fine whatever you say man." He smirked at me, he's so the type to enjoy pissing people off, isn't he?

"Just leave me alone." I growled kind of loud. The teacher turned to us again, a glare was placed on her face.

"Dirk, leave our new student alone or I'm sending you to the principal's office!" She scolded.

"You got it teach." He finally left me alone. I sighed at my small peace. I drowned out the teacher's voice and fell asleep on account of being so tired.

The sound of the bell wasn't made clear to me until Dirk pushed me awake.

"What?" I growled.

"Class is over, get up." He said half dragging me out of my seat. I gave him one of the biggest death glares I could make, that got him to release me. "What's your next class, man?" He asked, my eye twitched in annoyance.

"Will you stop with the dude pronouns, I'm not a guy!" I practically yelled, god I was in a bad mood. He looked confused for a minute, I rolled my eyes and explained. "My house sort of burnt down last night, these are my brother's clothes. Now leave me be!" I said pushing past him.

He caught my arm and spun me around, the look on his face showed he thought I was joking. I sighed just wanting to leave. I unzipped my hoodie revealing my bra and cleavage, his face dusted red at my action and by the fact that he just saw my boobs since I kind of forgot I only own lace bra's, so I left zero to the imagination there.

Homestuck Dirk x Reader (mostly)Where stories live. Discover now