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((Fun fact: I put together that Imagine picture myself!))

I grinned as I swung my legs over the chair arm and leaned back between the one opposite and the back of the chair as the dwarven man stood in the doorway, an amused expression covering his features.

"About time you got here. I thought I'd have to go find you."

A deep chuckle left his throat as he walked forward before holding his hand out for my own. My grin widened as my skin slid against his. His hand was firm, calloused, and I loved the way it felt against my own.

"I should have known you had taken it. Always the troublemaker."

I shrugged as he lifted my hand up to kiss the knuckles, letting a light laugh slip past my lips.

"But you love me."

He smiled before lifting me so he could sit in my place and set me on his lap, making me burst out laughing.


Another chuckle fell from his lips as he pulled me into him and his lips proceeded to glide over my temple before he drew back and straightened the crown atop my head.

"This looks very nice on you. Perhaps I'll get you one of your own so you can stop stealing mine."

I smiled and gave a mock wince.

"Or you could just get you a new one and this can stay where it's at."

His brow raised in a sort of questioning amusement before planting a kiss onto my forehead.

"Anything for you."

LOTR & The Hobbit ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now