Part 1: first impressions

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A/n so I'm going to do songs with chapters and tell you when to play them.
Today's song: COOL by Troye Sivan
Lyric warning: not really, mentions skinny dipping once but even my mom likes this song so..
Your p o v
I casually walked into the morgue, carrying two cups of coffee (or one cup of hot chocolate) Molly has been working since like five A.M. So I brought her some coffee. I've known her since I was 7 and she was 10. I set the coffee on her table taking my cup of, (your favorite coffee/hot chocolate)
I took out my lap top and started writing, my teacher doesn't really like me. I put up with him because I love writing. That's my college major, my minor is criminology which is why I come to the morgue.
"Hey y/n here he comes," Molly sighed.
"Who," I asked highly curious?
Then no other then Sherlock Holmes walked through the door, his chocolaty curls extra messy. He was working on a case I could see the stress on his face.
"Molly is their anyway I could see the last two bodies admitted today," he asked?
"Look I don't know their going under a special autopsy and they need to be prepared," she said sadly.
"Wow, is that a new lipstick color it looks lovely on you," Sherlock exclaimed!
"Yes, it is thanks for noticing! Well I am assuming it is for an important case but only for a few minutes," she caved in.
I rolled my eyes.
"A few minutes is all I need," he said.
I didn't know if I should say something or stay out of it. Yet fair forced me to talk, sleep deprived Molly led Sherlock in the wrong direction.
"Um...Molly, the bodies are that way remember," I said pointing right.
"Of course, I'm sorry I'm just tired I barely got any sleep," she said shooting me a glare for keeping her up.
"I told you I get my best inspiration at midnight and it's not my fault I tripped and you know almost burned down the house at three A.M.," I scolded.
"Who is this," Sherlock asked.
"Oh this is my friend y/n l/n," she said.
(Play the song it low key goes with your background only a little it was the best I could find)
"Yeah that's me and you're Sherlock Holmes consulting detective," I said.
"He nods looks at me then says, "you have known Molly since you were about seven or eight. Your mother and father are American and they wanted you to become a famous actress, they sent you with family up in London each summer. Your mother became slightly heartless to afford the good life, that your sister kept forcing her to. Throwing tantrums and you are a great actress but fear of Hollywood corruption made you turn to your secret passion, writing. They didn't approve you saved up and moved to London" he said.
I stared at  him wide eyed then went to add somethings, "My mom isn't heartless anymore, on good days." I laugh silently at my joke.
"Molly take me to the bodies, more specifically Aaron Jackson," Sherlock said in a bored manner. I turn to get back to my story.
"Y/n hurry up and come with us," he states throwing me off.
"Me," I question?
"Yes, y/n is you're name and we don't have all day," Sherlock orders.
"Ok," I mumble in shock and turn to walk with them.
The man was only 22, he had grey eyes that stay closed and has no cuts, a small bruise on the neck, and a bump on the head.
"Oh it's so obvious just wait till I tell John," Sherlock gasps excitedly.
"I don't see it," I say.
He sighs, "if I gathered one thing it's that you are at least slightly intelligent please act like it."
I raise my eyebrow, I know he isn't talking to me like that.
"Prove to me you're not an idiot," he tells me.
"How," I ask?
"Let's go back to the scene of the crime, he was at the doctor's getting ready for surgery the nurse left to get the doctor but when they came back the lamp had fallen and their were screws in the drawers ," he states.
It clicks, "Nurses are responsible for anesthesia  and medicine. But he was was dead before the ceiling fell, the nurse panicked and made it look like the lamp fell. It would have worked has it not been for leaving the screws in her pockets.
"That wasn't half bad," he comments.
I smile a little, I'm glad he doesn't think I'm an idiot.

Deducing you - Sherlock Holmes x reader -Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt