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 Enjoy the first chapter


"We are all in the gutter. But some of us are looking at the stars." -OscarWilde

I opened my eyes slowly and shielded them from the sun. I groaned and rolled over, burying my face into my soft plush pillow. I just wanted to surrender back to my sleep. Lately, I’d been having the same dream every night.

   It started off with me standing on the tip of an enormous cliff. Under the cliff stood a large room and inside it contained the 14 Greek Gods. Even though they were statues, they would always turn their heads up to me. Their mouths weren’t moving but they would whisper something at me. It sounded like ‘find the Key’

   Afterwards a ball of blue light would appear and float to me. I seemed to hover with such grace, such elegance. But once I reach out to touch it, everything begins to crumble. The mountain I’m standing on begins to crack and I slip, leaving me hanging off the sides.

   When I look down, I find that the Gods are gone…and I’m alone. The mountain shatters and I fall down into blackness. I’d fall for what seemed like ever. My screams echoing throughout my ears and long talon like spikes would scrape against my skin.

   But just as I can sense the bottom coming I fall into something. Arms…and I feel at home. I feel safe and welcomed. I flutter my eyes open and look into the bloodshot eyes of someone with a horrifying grin. The blue ball of graceful light shined behind him but it quickly turned black.

   The ball started seeping with what looked like blood and it shot into the red eyed man. I could hear the whispering again but this time it said ‘Revenge’. The man would smile and throw me down.

   But then…I would wake up. And be sucked back into reality.

   “Dee-Dee come on, get up.”

   I groaned into my pillow at the nickname my sister had been calling me for as long as I can remember. I leaned up and ran a hand through my tangled black hair. I yawned as she opened my other curtain. Diana had been taking care of me sense our parents had been killed… Murdered and set to flames. I shook my head and stood up. Not going to think about that.

   No one knew about my parents except my best friend, Harry. I didn’t want anyone to give me a pity party. I stood and clutched my brush then began tearing it though my tangles. To be honest I don’t really remember meeting him, he’s just always been there. Always watching over me.

  I smiled as I pulled on a tank top with a tiger on it and some skinny jeans. Thinking of Harry always made me smile; he was honestly the best friend in the world. I threw a mint in my mouth and ran downstairs. I was slightly addicted to peppermints...No regrets. 

   “Aren’t you going to stay for breakfast?”

   I shook my head, “Meeting Harry before school. I’ll catch you later sis.” I flung my book bag over my shoulder and ran out the door.

   I walked down the side walk and ran a hand though my hair. I pulled some lip-gloss out of my bag and plastered it over my lips. I shoved the strawberry flavored capsule into my pocket and walked up Harry’s driveway. Before I knocked on the door he opened it up.

   “Oh, hey there Dani…I was just on my way to your house.” He ran a hand through his curls and trailed his eyes down my body.

   I blushed and pushed on his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go. Or we’ll be late.”

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