Dear Crush...

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Dear Crush,

You probably don't see all I see in you ....your smile, your laugh, your voice, your eyes..... everything.  Down to the way you smile when we see each other, I notice it all.  I notice it when you don't do something the same, when something changes, when your eyes don't sparkle like they once did, when you start being quiet, anything.  

You don't realize how much just seeing you for a minute each day is all I look forward to.  You cant see how much that five second hug means to e on the inside, but its a lot.  Maybe to you its just a regular hug but to me it feels like for a few seconds I'm wrapped up in heaven, safely held by an angel.  But to you its just your way of saying hi to me.

I know you almost surely don't see me as great as I see you.  In your mind I'm probably just that friend who you talk to every now and again, but you hug her when you see her.  But in my mind you're so much more....  You're the only reason I bother to even go to school, just so I can see you,  Just so I can get that five second hug that makes me feel safe and that gets me through to the next day.  You're the reason my heart races a little every time something reminds me of you, the reason I feel a sudden rush when someone says your name.

I guess you just don't look at me the same way, but its alright, even just loving you from my position is better than risking our friendship and a rejection if I tell you how I really feel. Till maybe, just maybe one day you'll look at me with the infatuation I have for you...

But for now, I'll accept my five second hugs.  I'll enjoy your little comments.  I'll admire you from here, while you stay over there.  I'll just sit back and take what I can get.  Mostly because I cant stand to not get anything, little is better than none.


             Me <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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