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Azor strode through the door of the inn squinting slightly as his eyes grew accustomed to the light. He surveyed the room swiftly noting it was unusually empty, a few people scattered here and there but not as full as it normally was on cold wet nights.

He walked across to the counter, scanning the room for any hobbit or sign of a friend as a deep foreboding filled his mind.

" What can I do for ye master dwarf? " a voice broke through his musings, coming from the mouth of the  landlord of the inn Mr Butterbur,  a fat kindly man with a bushy pair of sideburns, who was  very prone to be forgetful.

" Just an ale" Azor nodded at him " a big one". Butterbur waddled off saying a lot of things Azor paid no heed to. As he reflected on were Frodo and Gandalf could be.

" Your ale sir, a large one like you asked for" said Butturbur with a seemingly forced cheerfulness.
" You'll be after accommodation to I warrant?" Butturbur inquired, a trifle nervously as he eyed the burly wellarmed dwarf. Azor shook his head" No", " But I am looking for a friend....Mr Underhill, have you seen him by any chance?

At the mention of Underhill Butturbur paled considerably, " well bless me sir"
Azor frowned " stop bleating like a lamb and get on with it" he snapped. He disliked being mean to Butturbur but sometimes that was the only way you could get anything out of him. came here last night...or well some hobbit going by that name" stammered Butturbur " but he...well a....many strange things happened when he was". " What happened to him" Azor cut him off abruptly " well sir...I'm frightfully sorry but" Butturbur dropped his voice to a whisper, " he left for the wild with one of em rangers".

Azor sprang to his feet spilling his ale as he did so " I need a horse" Butturbur stared at him perplexed. " But good sir..." " Get me a horse" thundered Azor visibly annoyed he barged out the door and ran to the stables cursing his luck.

A horse thundered out of Bree galloping into the wet and darkness ,Azor riding grimly on its back, hoping upon hope he could catch them up in time, as the calls of darkriders came behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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