Tut Tut Megan should learn to listen...

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I was pulled into someone's arms and when his masked eye caught mine, I knew instanly who he was.


"And he's back again. What's up Klaus?" I said, tossing my hair aside, as he dragged me to the floor. "I'm sure you're not here for the casual chat, are you?"


"And you're not even here to meet me, you know to be my surprise date?"


"Well then, shoot. What do you need me for?"

He sighed, then he lowered his lips to my ears, "The ritual didn't work love, I can't make hybrids."


I sighed "I'm not opposed to killing Elena you know" I muttered "But Stefan would hate me"

Klaus grinned "And here I was thinking you were all emotionless" he muttered grinning

"Not completely, you know sometimes I quite like the planet I live on"

"So you'll help me?"

I nodded "It seems I have nothing better to do than attend stupid high school dances after almost a hundred and fifty years"

"Excellent, I'll meet you at my mansion tomorrow, bring my sister, lord knows she'd be able to help"

I stared at Klaus's hateful expression "She could help, but she's more like a witch than a vampire Klaus, you know that"

"Indeed" he muttered vanishing on the spot.

What had I gotten myself into?


I walked out to the schools car park and glared at my car, now everybody knows I love my cars so they would also know that I wouldn't glare at one unless something was seriously wrong.

For instance the four most annoying people in the universe leaning against my car.

I walked over to them and stared "I thought I killed you" I sighed looking at my mother.

She grinned wickedly "and there in lie's your mistake dear daughter, but now is not the time for another re-match"

"I'm not in the mood to help out, so if you'd mind getting the fuck away from my glorious car and go back to where ever the fuck you came from"

"Aunt Megan" Aquarelle said calmly "At least hear us out"

"I would... but considering none of you are in my good books at the moment I won't"

"Please Aunt Megan" she said nervously toying with the ruffles on her dress

"Oh well look at that, my sister managed to teach you manners" I glared "Fine, you have one minute to explain"

They were all silent "Times ticking, and my patience is wearing thin"

"Megan, you must not help Klaus create hybrids" my mother stated calmly

I rolled my eyes "And why would I do that, Klaus is much more like a family to me than you lot"

"Megan, you must not, the order of the world is greatly out of balance"

I scoffed loudly "I know that, don't you think I've been reading the signs?"

"Its not that daughter, over fifty witches have died in the last six months since Klaus became a hybrid, the covens are gathering"

The Salvatore Witch...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora