Snoopy? As in the dog or the rapper?{10}

102 19 4

NOTE: Not Edited

Slowly, I crept my way up the stairs to hide out in my room. Dad was finally home and if he took a glance at those tapes then I am going to be screwed.

As soon as I made it to my destination, I quickly closed the door as lightly as I could behind me and tip toed over towards my bed. Flopping belly-first onto the warm fluffy comforter that laid on top of it. I then squirmed my body around until I was completely underneath the covers.

Maybe sleep would save me from this mess? My head thought as my eyes closed to see nothing but darkness.

*beep, beep, beep, beep, beep*

My alarm clock rang violently this morning, causing me to jolt awake. My eyes almost popping out of my skull in the meantime.

Looking over towards the nightstand, which my alarm clock sat on I groaned. When that alarm clock goes off, that means another horrible day at what I call prison but what the world calls school.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up; rubbing my sleepy eyes, hoping that I would fully wake up soon.

"Aubree?" I heard my father call my name. "Can I come in?"

"Yea-" I responded before even realizing that he NEVER wants to talk to me in the morning. Hes usually really busy trying to get ready for work.

Its happening. This is it. My brain repeated over and over again as my door creaked open and a smiling father appeared through the small crack.

Smiling? Hes smiling?

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll be taking you to school today. You have about 15 minutes." Honestly, he looked happy? Why did he look happy. Thats super suspicious considering only alcohol can make that man happy.

I nodded my head, letting him know that I understood. Giving me another quick smirk, he closed the door behind him.

I sighed out in relieve. Thank the heavens! He obviously didnt see the video tapes!
I sort of high fived myself, then gave myself a quick pat on the back.

Peeking out of my cracked door, I noticed dad was smiling and talking to Aubree. Telling her that he'll be taking her to school.

Once the door was closed behind him and I noticed that he was heading downstairs I could hear Aubree giving herself high fives and probably dancing around her room thinking that she was safe.

You are so very welcome Aubree, I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. I deleted the video tapes while dad was at the bar last night. I dont know why I didnt think to do that sooner?

All dressed and ready to go I grabbed my backpack and swung it over my shoulders. Passing by Aubrees room I gave it a quiet knock.

"Yes?" Aubrees happy tone answered back.

"Its Taylor." I tried to sound as happy and joyful as she did, but I couldnt even compare!

The door opened immediately, taking my hand and pulling me inside, closing the door quietly behind her.

"Dad doesnt know!" Her cheeks now a pale pink color from how much she was smiling.

I smiled along with her, breathing in her happy energy. "I know."

Aubree, now doing a small dance around her room paused and gave me a weird look.
"You know?" She questioned.

I nodded my head and came out with the truth, her jaw practically dropped to the floor as she ran in for a hug.
"Thank you Taylor. Thank you so much."

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