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I follow Cisco to a room off of the Cortex. When I enter, I'm faced with a larger-than-normal treadmill. 

"What's this?" I inquire. 

"The new Cosmic Treadmill!" Cisco exclaims. 

"It'll measure more than we've been able to measure in our tests." Caitlin explains.

I frown. "Are you sure that it'll be able to handle my speed? What if it can't?"

Cisco pats the machine. "Oh, it'll be able to handle it. That's why it has the word 'Cosmic' in the name. It's like having a brownie and a Cosmic Brownie. Which one's better?" He asks.

"The regular brownie." Me and Caitlin say at the same time. 

"What's wrong with you guys? A Cosmic Brownie is soo much better." He gives us a disgusted look.

"Why are we arguing about brownies and processed food, Mr. Ramon?" States Wells as he wheels in. 

"It's a long story." We all say.


In the ugly unitard I've gotten used to, I sit on the edge of Cisco's treadmill, and laces up my shoes, and wait for everyone to be ready.

"This'll be the last time you run some tests, at least for a while." Caitlin explains over the intercom. "Of course, there might be one or two next week on multi-tasking, but this will be the only one for a small amount of time." I nod, showing her that I understand, and she passes the microphone off to Dr. Wells.

"Christopher, today we're just going to measure your stamina and speed. Start off at a normal running pace, not using you powers. You'll run until you can't anymore, and we'll record your speed, stamina, heart rate, and a number of other things. Again, like all tests, I'm hoping you use extreme caution as not to exert yourself. Be careful. "

I give him a small salute, and the mic is passed off to Cisco.

"Okay, normal, human running rate; test one." The treadmill starts, and I jog for a bit. The speed increases, and I start to run.  Within five minutes, I'm sitting back on the edge, hyperventilating. 

"Chris, you need to learn to control your breath. Quick breath in through your nose, long breath out through your mouth. That's it, now do that a few more times. Good. Now, deep breath in through your nose, long breath out through your mouth. Like that. Now repeat until you have your breath back." Caitlin explains. "Very good. We'll wait for you to get your strength back, before we continue to the next part."

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