Chapter One

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Olivia was walking down the hall to leave school for the day. As she approached the main office, she saw a little girl crying all alone on the bench. Olivia crouched down to the small girl's level and placed a hand gently on her shoulder. The little girl looked up, revealing her piercing blue eyes filled with tears. "Hi Sweetie, I'm Ms. Benson. Can you tell me your name?"
The little girl nodded her head and whispered gently through tears, "Kathleen Stabler."
Olivia smiled at Kathleen. "That's a pretty name. How old are you?" Kathleen held up five fingers. "Kathleen, what's wrong?"
Kathleen had stopped sobbing, but still had silent tears rushing down her face. "My mommy forgots to picks me ups." Olivia smiled at Kathleen's use of unnecessary 's' on the end of her words.
"Okay. How about we call her?" Kathleen nodded her head. Olivia went into the dark main office and over to the filing cabinets. She found Kathleen's file and tried to call her mother. After several failed attempts, she decided to call the phone number listed under 'father.' After several rings, he picked up.
-Hi Mr. Stabler. My name is Olivia Benson. I'm a teacher at Trinity Elementary. I have your daughter, Kathleen, here with me. It seems someone has forgotten to pick her up. I've tried to call your wife numerous times but she isn't answering.
She could hear him sigh over the phone.
-Okay. Thank you. I'll be there as soon as I can.
15 minutes later, Mr. Stabler walked through the door, where he saw his daughter talking to the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Olivia had managed to calm Kathleen down after informing her that her dad was on his way. As soon as Kathleen had stopped crying, she began to tell Olivia all about her day and even showed her a picture she had drawn in art that day. Kathleen said she had made it for her daddy who worked at the 'powlice defartment', which made Olivia giggle. That's when she noticed the man standing in the doorway.
Olivia stood up to greet him, while Kathleen was hugging his legs. He picked her up and hugged her tightly to him before reaching his hand out to the beautiful woman. "Hi I'm Elliot Stabler. I'm so sorry about all this. I can't believe Kathy forgot to pick her up."
  Olivia smiled at the handsome man in front of her. "It's really no problem Mr. Stabler. Kathleen is a very bright little girl, we had a nice little conversation. She told me all about your work at the 'powlice defartment.'" They shared a laugh.
  "Well, thank you again Ms. Benson, it was nice meeting you."

Ms. Benson Where stories live. Discover now