Billy Graham's Funeral?

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Many people — including me — remember Billy Graham's funeral on TV. My own memories placed Graham's death close — within weeks, possible a month or two, at the very most — to the time when Ted Kennedy died. I remember that the weather was warm in New England.

At the time, I didn't think Billy Graham's funeral was especially odd. I didn't watch much of the funeral and burial coverage, but I can remember flipping through TV channels, and seeing most networks carrying the event. I remember thinking, at Ted Kennedy's funeral, "Wow. We just had lots of shows pre-empted by Billy Graham's funeral. I guess that kind of coverage has become standard."

I clearly remember the funeral, and related TV coverage for several days.

Apparently, this "memory" is prevalent... perhaps more prevalent than the Nelson Mandela ones. I've actually argued with a friend because she was 100% certain that Billy Graham had died. She, too, remembered the funeral on TV. It took Wikipedia to prove that we both had odd, completely identical memories... that never happened. Not in this timestream, anyway.

Many readers have their own memories of Billy Graham's death, funeral, and burial. Mostly, they recall the TV coverage.

And — like me — most are entirely certain they aren't mixing it up with Billy Graham's wife's funeral, which had some coverage on TV news shows. (Ruth Graham died in 2007. Ted Kennedy passed in 2009. That's not close enough for me to connect in my memories.) 

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