CHAPTER 1~A little bit like Cinderella:

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The picture above 👆 is how Cinderella looked before the incident took place.

Ok* I am outside the ball at a palace looking like a complete wreck and for the record I did not plan on any of this happening at a night like tonight.

So you are probably wondering what happened that I would say something like that but just let me go way way back. 🔙

This morning I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door and the first thought that went through my mind was...what a pleasant surprise! (Note my sarcasm.)

I got up with a struggle after I looked at my watch to see it is half past 7 and I decided to put on my baby pink night gown and with that I went straight to my bathroom to quickly brush my dark chocolate brown hair as quickly as I can. Then I rushed to the door only to find a very formal looking red letter lying on the floor.

The letter said that I needed to be at Prince Royes's pales tonight at 8 o'clock. With that information being true I honestly did not want to go not that I am being un-thankfull because that I truly am not. I did not want to go because Prince Royes can be quite a handful at times with his arugant mood swings, I swear that man has a woman inside there somewhere with that mood swings.

The letter specially addressed that I should go and despite my protests I know that I absolutely have to go too keep my name and my clothing lines name high and every princess is going to expect me to be there and I always know just how to fix their dresses if something goes wrong.

So now what am I going to wear...? The ball party is going to be very formal and I do not want to stand out.

After almost searching for two hours I just decided on a beautiful bright pink princess ball gown with glittery dots. The dress is formal enough and just a bit outstanding so I will not stand out like a sore thumb. 👍

I got busy doing my daily duties and I decided to start a new clothing line for young princesses and their mommies. When I heard the door bell ring I wonderd who that mite be and I got a huge surprise when I saw that it was my 2 best friends, Sandy and Andy, they are twins and have been my best friends from primary school.

Sandy, has reddish hair with a few brown strypes going down her skin is flawless without any marks while, Andy, has blond hair and alsow like, Sandy, she has a few brown strypes going down her lovely hair, I love them both to pieces.

They got mad at me because I lost track of time and it is only 2 hours till the ball and everyone knows how long it takes me to get dressed spesially if it is something formal but anyway they are here now and they will help me get ready.

I am officially finished with everything including makeup and hair and I have to say to myself that I look fantastic, Sandy curled my hair and Andy did my makeup after that I helped them prepair.

Once we finished every thing I looked outside the window and saw that the carriage is already waiting.

Ones at the Palace it was quite a disaster there was about 10-15 girls already waiting for me to come and help them. So like the good worker I am I got ready and immediately started to help them.

So I am finally finished with all the girls and now it is time for me to have some fun usually I have allot to do once I arrive at a ball because I do princes and princesses ball wear or any other wear for the matter. It is actually a good job to do because I always get invited to all the functions and events they have.

It is just that I have a big and when I say big I mean a very big problem with Prince Royes he always sends something back that I make or he always has a problem with every little detail it is litterly like he sees wrong in every thing I do and he does not even know me, as far as I know he has never seen me before and I am a person that never judge someone without knowing them personally.

My friends left me when we arrived at the Palace because they know how long it can take even if I only have a few customers. So now I have to go inside and find out were they are but I have a good feeling that they are exactly were they always will be... write next to there boyfriends.

I found my friends write where I thought they would be and went over to say hello I do not have a date with me because my love life is a bit ridiculous you see i have never been kissed and have never been in a relationship, I know it must shock you but I just don't have the time to date. My parents think I am crazy and should be married by now and they always find a way to said that to every person they come across. I know it is just so embarrassing. Write?? *

So let's get back to the story after I danced and ate a bit I decided it is time for some fresh air... I went outside threw the big buffalo brown doors and almost immediately I looked up at the sky ever since I was small I loved the stars and night sky it is just something that seems to draw me.

After a while a messenger apeard out of no where and said that there are some girls that are in need of my help of course I went to see them but the weirdest thing ever happened the messenger said that the girls requested my preasents outside and usually they request me inside of the palace.

So now I am outside searching for the girls but can't seem to find them anywhere. I decided to check at the back and there they are the worst girls ever they always have problems with everything. All of them with direct glears straight at me as if I did something wrong.

The first thought was what did I do now. The first girl came straight up to me and started yelling at me but before I got to realize that her blond bimbos are all around me and started pulling at my new dress and before I could stop the dress ripped. I wanted to yell but nothing came out because she put her hand over my mouth to silence me and she looked me straight in the eye and said:" If you dear screem I will ruin you."

I felt so helpless while they started walking away. Why do I always end up at the end of trouble? My childhood wasn't that good either I used to be bullied by everyone. My parents don't know anything about this because I decided it's best if they don't know. I did not realize that I started crying until I felt something wet on my cheek. So that is were I am now.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and almost immediately I started wiping of the remaining tears I absolutely hate it to cry in front of someone.

When it felt like I look decent I turned around to find a fuming prince Royce glaring at me with pearsing eyes. I never met him in person before but what I saw took my breath away. Before me stood the most handsome man I have ever seen in my whole life. I did not realize I was starting at him like a creep until he said something in the harsest way possible. I looked up at his face and almost immediately he started yelling at me asking why I am at the back of his palace in his rose garden and that everyone knew that it was off limits.

I just looked at him and could not find my voice he is absolutely breathtaking. Then his next words made me freeze.

I asked you what are you doing at the back of my palace in MY rose garden?!


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