Chapter 1

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Dan's Pov

As I was walking down the London road, The wind was blowing softly making the tree move slightly and leaves bustle around me. It was the middle of October, so mostly all of the leaves have falling. Filling up path corners and covering green grass. I heard a bang on a near bin, I looked over. It was a small black cat with green eyes. I walked over to it and rubbed its head slowly, I felt a piercing pain in my hand. The small animal had bit me. "You little shit" I half yelled pushing it away. I looked my finger and saw blood, quickly I wiped it in my jeans and continuing back to my dorm room. I turning into a alleyway as it was a shorter route back. I've always found alleyways shady and I was on full alert. It was pitch black as there's no street lamps and I'm pretty sure I've kicked a homeless by accident. I started to speed up my pace as the alley seemed never ending.

I could see the street lamps up ahead when something, or should I say something touched my shoulder. "You know I can smell your blood from a mile away, it smells pretty sweet" it said push against the wall.

"P-please" I stuttered over my words "l-leave me a-alone" he laughed harshly at my words.

"No, you're coming with me" he said loudly pushing my head to side "but first I need you quiet" he said moving closer to me

He sinked his teeth into my neck as I my screams were muffled by his hand. 'He's drinking my blood' my head panicked 'I'm going to die' I was slowly fading into darkness from the blood loss

"Goodnight" I heard him say before my brain and body was consumed in darkness.


I awoke to a harsh smell of urine. I daringly open my eyes to see I was in a cage, other people were surrounding me some in cages and some not. "Where am I" I asked only to get my cage kicked in reply. I sighed and sat back down rubbing my head slowly. "The auction is tommorow, you excited" I heard people talking above me. "No, why would I care about a bunch of mutts getting sold." The guy that had kicked my cage before had said. "Because, we get rid of most of them. The second guy said. 'Whatever" he hummed.

Men with trays of water and a gross looking pile of mush, it's probably none eatable. People around them moved to the back of their cages, avoiding their glances. I don't know what they're afraid of.

They walked up to the cages and dragged out people cage by cage by their hair. Making them eat the slob in front of them, those who didn't were brought into a different room, I've got a fair idea of whats happening in there.

They dragged me out by the hair and pushed me into the food forcing me to eat it. I was too scared to look up so I just ate it. It tasted like shit but it's better than being beaten to a pulp. "Well I see newby knew what's best for him" one of the older men said. I pulled back after finishing half of it and they gave me water to wash it down with.

I gulped down the water and when I was finished they threw me back into the cage, hissing in pain I lied down falling asleep slowly.


This is lowkey shît but don't judge me okay

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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