Chapter 2

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It was Nico's 20th birthday in a few weeks and Lorean was planning on buying a plane ticket to see him. It would be a surprise for both of them since they have not yet met in person. They were both tight on money and the timing was always bad. But she thought ahead this time. She booked the week of his birthday off and sold some of her mother's jewelry in order to come up with some fast money. She had all these great thoughts on things that they would be doing together in their short time with each other. She had never visited North America but she watched a lot of their shows, so she was not a stranger to the way they talked and dressed. Nico interrupted her thoughts from a text that said  "once I get you in my arms, I'll never let you go" Lorean just smiled and placed her phone back into her pocket to as she drove home.

The time was here, November 13th Lorean was on her way to the airport. She said her goodbyes the day before since her flight was early in the morning. As she waited in the airport she bought some last minute snacks and a coffee to keep her awake. It was a 5 hour and 45-minute trip and she wanted to be awake for it all, but halfway through the flight, she fell asleep and began to dream of all the fun activities that she and Nico would be doing together. When she woke up from her nap she looked out to the airplane windows and heard the wind whistling loudly as the plane passed through the clouds. There was 1 hour left until she would arrive in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to see her loved one. From what she could remember told from Nico, it was a small province. It got fairly cold in the winter time but could also be very hot in the summer. One of Nico's favourite place to go was the Forks. He explained to her that it had a bunch of small shops and restaurants to visit, also a cute children's museum that he use to visit when he was younger. He promised her that he would take her there before she left, he thought she might enjoy it since she never visited. Lorean stood up to reach for her carryon bag to take out her phone and headphones to play some songs from her favourite artist Kehlani .She began to close her eyes and slowly doze off again.

Finally, the plane began to descend toward the airport it shortly came to a stop. When the airplane moved toward the jet bridge Lorean quickly jumped up from her sleep and ran out the plane and down the tunnel to the airport before the flight attendant said she could. After she rushed to get her baggage she zoomed down the airport's hallways looking to find Nico waiting for her. It was a big airport but she seemed to get through it pretty well. Soon enough Lorean found him. He was standing at the bottom of the escalator holding up a sign that said "Hey Lorean! It's me Nico" it had a yellow smiley face and a big arrow that pointed down to him. He had a great big smile on his face when he saw her. When Lorean reached the bottom of the escalator she opened her arms and ran to him. They hugged for a very long time shedding some tears of joy. When they let go of their hug and wiped their faces, Nico asked Lorean if she would like to get something to eat. She nodded yes with a smile as Nico took her bag from her and walked over to the car.

When they reached the car Nico offered to place her bag in his trunk. As he began to lift up her suitcase he quickly dropped in back down and placed his hands on his chest as he grunted in pain. Lorean immediately asked if everything was alright with him. It took him a few seconds to reply but when he did he responded to say "yes I'm alright, sometimes I just get a sharp chest pain , but it goes away shortly"."Well alright then" Lorean said as she took her bag from the ground and placed it in his trunk.

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