Ch 1. Confession

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A/N Here is a picture of Ansel Elgort who will portray Alexander "Alec" McCain.

The alarm blares loudly right next to my eardrums. I smash the snooze button and pull the covers back over my head. I am about to drift right back to sleep, when I remember that today is a very important day today. Let me introduce myself, my name is Alexander McCain but everyone calls me Alec or Alex. I am 22 years old. I have brown hair and light brown eyes. I am 6'3 but also 6'4 on a good day and 180 pounds of muscle thanks to football and the gym, so of course I can get all the ladies. Oh am I bragging? Sorry about that, anywho. I live in the O.C with my parents who are great. Anyways,  where was I? Right, I walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Ten brush strokes on my right set of teeth. Ten brush strokes on my left set of teeth. Ten again on the front set of teeth. Next up, showering. I strip off my pajamas and walk right into the cold marble bathtub. The water starts running as soon as I turn the facet. Cold! I hop around in the shower trying to find some shelter away from the cold water. A few seconds later, the warm water finally starts to run. After getting warm and wash up, I walk back to my room to change into some shorts and a t-shirt. I grab my phone, wallet and my overnight bag just in case that this plan doesn't go smoothly.

Well it's now or never I thought as I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. There I see my parents doing their parent things. My mom is at the stove, cooking some breakfast. My dad is at the counter drinking his coffee, black.

"Morning guys," I greet my parents.

"Morning sweetie," my mom greets me.

"Hey champ," my dad says. "What you up to on your day off?"

"Well, I'm going to see a friend of mine."

"Okay," my mom says as she hands me a plate of food. I take it from her and eat in silence on the counter.

I finish the plate in a five big scoops, shoveling them down, and take the plate to the sink. As I rinse it I take a deep breath. Well I can figure out a way to do this. Either man up and tell them or be a pussy and hide my true self and be unhappy... Fuck it, I am manning up.

"Mom, dad," I say as I turn around in a dramatic sweep.

"Yeah?" my parents say in unison, looking at me.

I take a deep breath. Oh crap, I can't do this. Wait fuck it. I have a stable job and have been adulting for a while, so I will be fine if they throw me out.

"Bud what is it?" my dad ask me, interrupting my thoughts.

"I am gay," I say, looking at my parents in the eye.

"You're what?" my mom asks.

"Gay!" I say with a crack in my voice.

"No, you are not gay," my dad says. "You? No, you are not gay. I know you since you were a baby. I raise you. You don't have an ounce femininity in your body."

"Dad, just because I am gay doesn't mean I have to be all girly. I am still a guy and will always act like one except for the fact that I like guys romantically, not girls."

"No, I will not allow it. If you are gay, then pack up your things and get out." my dad says.

"Dad," I say, shock at his outburst.

"No, if you are gay I want you out of this house until you decide otherwise!" my dad yells.

"I agree," Courtney says. "I want you out also."

"Fine," I  reply. I grab my stuff and leave. I slam the door and  walk to the car, start it and drive away.

"Good riddance," Courtney says. " I will not have that in my house."

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