Toby Collins - Frazel

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"So where are we going today?"asked my little half-sister Emma, who was tugging on my jacket sleeve.

I led her through the roads of New York. "There's a new zoo near Central Park."I said. "Then we're going to have lunch in Queens."I add.

"Oooh! Zoo! Yayyyy!!"she shouted, running down the street. People look at her and smile, and I try to catch up with her.

I grab her hand just before she could cross the street. A taxi shoots pass us.

"Now, now, be careful, Emma. Don't want an accident like what happened to my mom."I say.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Ok Toby-Woby!!"

Once the light turns green, we cross the street. It's a nice day today. Dad insisted I take Emma somewhere while he and Carren go on a date. Carren is Emma's mom, and my stepmother. She and Dad married a year and a half after my mom, Natalie, died, and she's been nothing but good. Emma was 3 when they got married. It's been two years since.

We turn around the corner and Emma screams excitedly. We can see the huge, colorful, sign announcing the grand opening. Families and couples are already milling around. We can hear the roar of animals and the chatter of people.

Emma tugs my jacket sleeve impatiently. "C'mon Toby-Woby!!"she screams, pulling me to the entrance.

As we pass the entrance, Emma screams, "OOOH!!! A LION!!!"

She tugs me to the lion's cage, the lion laying down, scratching it's paws.

A girl with her back turned to us is leading a group of people and talking about the animals.

"Lookie, Toby-Woby! The lion is looking at me!"Emma says.

The lion is looking interesringly at Emma. I scoot us away from the cage a bit.

The girl looks over her shoulder and smiles at me. I know her.

"Toby! Hi!"she smiles, abandoning her group and walking over to me. The people break away from the large group and snap pictures of the lion.

"Er, um hey Lynn!"I stammer. I mentally face-palm myself.

"Hey. This is your step-sister?"she asks, smiling down at Emma. Emma shyly ducks behind me and peeks around my jacket at Lynn.

"Yeah. work here?"I ask.

She laughs. "Yes. My uncle owns this zoo. Here he comes, actually. Hi, Uncle Frank!"she says, waving at someone behind me.

I look around to see a couple approaching us. The man is buff and muscled, with an Asian complexion and dark black hair. He's wearing an official zoo employee shirt with board shorts and khakis. A pin with the name Manager, Frank Zhang, is on his shirt.

The woman beside him is a complete opposite of him. She has amazing golden eyes and a warm chocolate skin tone. She has a small baby bump which she's massaging lightly with her right hand. They're both smiling.

"Lynn! How is your first day?"the man, Mr. Zhang, asks her.

Lynn steps forward. "All fine, Uncle Frank. And, ah..."she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me beside her, "This is Toby Collins, my lab partner from school, and his step sister, Emma."

I manage a smile. "Hi."I say. Emma peeks put from behind me again, smiling shyly.

The woman brightens. "Hello! It's nice to see kids here. Lots of them."she touches her baby bump.

"How's the baby, Aunt Hazel?"Lynn asks.

Mrs. Zhang smiles. "Wonderful, Lynn."

I cough. "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?"I ask.

This time, Mr. Zhang speaks. "We'd personally love a girl, but it really doesn't matter. We'd love it anyway." I nod.

"How about a free item from the gift ahop for the little girl?"he continues, smiling down at Emma. "C'mon, you can get anything for free while I'm with you."he says, reaching his hand out to Emma.

I hesitate. "Ah, no, sir."I say. "It's okay. You don't have to do that. We'll pay!"

Mrs. Zhang laughs lightly. "Well-mannered, just like Lynn says. I like you even more now!"she says.

Mr. Zhang smiles. "Please, you insult me. I insist."he says.

Emma smiles up at me pleadingly. I roll my eyes at her in defeat. "Fine."I say, pushing her towards Mr. Zhang.

"We'll see you later."he smiles, walking with Emma to the direction of the gift shop. Emma skips happily and talks to him about her favorite animals.

Mrs. Zhang smiles at us. "Well, you kids be good now. I have to speak to some friends. Lynn darling, you chose well."she says, then leaves in the opposite direction.

I raise an eyebrow at Lynn. "Chose well what?"I ask.

She blushes, and I grin cheekily. ", um....might've mentioned you to them before."she says.

My smile widens. "Okay then."

"God, this is embarassing. Be quiet, Collins."she says, her face red.

I laugh.

Lynn hits me lightly on the arm. "Ok, ok, stop now! Let's go find Emma."

I stop laughing, but remain smiling. "Whatever you say."I say.

She rolls her eyes and walks, and I follow while laughing.


Yay! An update! I hope you enjoyed it xx

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