Chapter 4

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A/N - Sorry this took longer than expected/promised. I just kept forgetting about it, and when I wasn't forgetting, I was procrastinating. So finally, after almost 8 months of that vicious cycle, the elusive chapter 4.

What's better than waking up to your phone buzzing incessantly against your side and realizing you are already 10 minutes late for class? Nothing, I thought through the cloud of sleep still clouding my vision.

While my body whizzed around the unfamiliar dorm, seeming wide awake, my brain still felt dead inside. I saw Alex trudge into the kitchen, one hand clutching his head, but I brushed past him to grab my backpack. "-ungodly hour-" was all I could make out from his mumbles.

I hoisted the straps of my backpack over one shoulder, turning to face Alex. "Babe, I have to go to classes. Make yourself some breakfast, try not to burn the place down. Please take care of yourself. You are still sick."

I reached out, and Alex hugged me eagerly. I kissed the top of his head softly as he buried his face into my chest. "I'm going to miss you," He muttered, barely audible.

"I'm going to miss you too." I laughed when he wouldn't let me pull away. "And you know I'll be back like I always am."

Alex looked up at me with a pleading face, begging me to stay. "But-" I kissed him before he could finish his sentence. He looked like a scolded puppy, too helpless to do anything, but hoping his innocent face could get things to go his way.

I tapped his nose before telling him the secret I left for him. "I logged into my Netflix on your laptop."

His face brightened. "Really?" Alex was already through the door to the living room, and I chased after him.

I giggled at his antics, watching him hunt down his computer. "But I don't want you to just watch tv all day. You have to do something else."

"What about the pauses between episodes? That's something else," His comeback shot through the pillow fort.

I took a few steps towards the door before a disheveled Alex blocked my path. His hair was a rat's nest, and the state of his clothes weren't much better. I tried - and failed - to push past him. "I'm going to be late!" I whined.

"So? Just use the family member excuse. We're basically brothers," He pleaded with me desperately.

"So when I kiss you it's like kissing my brother?" I turned up my nose. "Guess you're never getting any signs of affection from me ever again."

"I didn't mean it like that..." He tried to fight back, but it was clear he was giving up.

"I'll be back at 1. I can miss my last block for this." I adjusted my backpack on my shoulder, taking a few steps forward.

"I don't get a goodbye kiss?" Alex made one last attempt at stopping me.

"But if I get sick from you, who is going to take care of us?" I said, laughing.

"Well, we always have Herc and Laf-" I held in a smile thinking about Lafayette the other day. (YES, I HEARD YOU, #creditthebaguette2017) "-who would be fine with that."

I sighed. "Fine, if you are going to be that insistent." Alex stood on his toes, reaching up to kiss me. One of my arms wrapped around his back in a protective gesture. I could feel his hand shaking. I stepped back, taking it in mine. "Make sure you get yourself some food. You're trembling, and that's with me spoon-feeding you."

"Okay," He grumbled. "But I what if I want tacos?" Alex continued to procrastinate.

"You haven't even had breakfast yet. You can cross that taco bridge when you get to it."

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