Lady of crimson

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They say if you venture too deep into the forbidden woods, beyond the trodden down paths made by travellers and passers nearby, past the small stream, which silently stalks its way through the maze of trees, carrying its resources to the people of the land, over the ditches built by nature as though to prevent you from stepping in any further. Deeper and deeper, to where the birds no longer tweet and to where sunlight can no longer break its way through the cracks of small leaves, leaving the root covered mud below damp and dark; that you will eventually find yourself in a place where most normal humans dare not step foot within. For these woods, surrounded in darkness, left untouched by farmers, woodsmen, and adventurers alike, were said to hold creatures of magic within them. Mystical beings, that were supposed to have long since perished, due to a law against magic being made, many, many decades ago... People feared these fantasy like creatures, for most of their lives, they had been taught to be wary of those who could shift their forms, and those who could cast spells. For these woods had become tainted with the whispers of superstition and make believe. For nobody truly knew what lay within these woods... Nobody except for the young lady in a crimson hood that is...

For many years now, this young woman, who had hit the border between innocence and maturity, had made many travels, through these dark woods, in order to reach the home of her dearest elderly grandmother, who had crafted the very hood in which she had draped over her light brown hair, a shawl which she had worn for many years of her life. It was upon skipping through the woods, in the days of her youth that the lady of crimson stumbled across these creatures of the woods which people feared so. And they were far from what the adults feared them to be, much rather they were what every child wished them to be. Fae which held parties every night, under the light of the moon, mythical beings, made of both nature and of magic, animals who would have tea parties along with pixies who often played tricks on all their fellow partners. The trees which sung gentle hymns in the wind and the creatures that were both man and beast, all together within the forests in which only the young girl wearing crimson would enter. And the creatures of magic all adored her so, for she was their only none magical friend, the only one pure enough of heart to accept them. To the creatures of the woods, the lady of crimson was more beautiful, gentler, than the most beloved nature sprites, with a heart only a goddess would have.

And one creature, in particular who adored the lady of crimson, was the young male of both wolf and human, who often spent his time, walking through the woods, guiding the young lady throughout it, so as to make sure she would not fall into the hands of danger. Unlike any other creatures, who feared the wolf for the fact that he was a predator, completely isolating him. Despite the fact that he only could ever be a beast, with the ability to defeat all enemies in his path, the young lady of crimson was the only one who smiled to him so warmly and spoke to him gently. She was quite the contrast to he, who was cold, rough and feared... For whenever he spoke to her and kept her company, she always seemed to radiate an almost heavenly light in these deep dark woods. They were close friends, and the young wolf boy was perhaps her closest friend, in both the woods he could never leave and out of them. To the point that every time they had to part from the barrier between the woods and the outside world, it almost felt painful. Knowing that there would one day be a time that these small trips would have to stop, making the barrier between both their worlds. And with each parting, it made the wolf boy only want to keep her there more, as he found himself longing for much more than just her smile.

The lady of Crimson, often made ventures to her grandmother, who lived within the other side of the woods, secluded off from everyone else. As she was too old to make the journey through the woods, the young girl wearing the scarlet shawl often made these treks through the woods to her, to deliver supplies from the land from the other side. She only saw her grandmother briefly, once every day or so, so to the young lady of crimson, her grandmother had always been a soft hearted, delicate young soul, who adored her grandchild as much as her grandchild adored her. She had yet to question why her grandmother had indeed secluded herself, why she was where nobody can reach her. For her grandmother had a lot more to hide than the lady of crimson first thought... For her grandmother perhaps knew more of the magical creatures than her grand-daughter ever did. She often made deals with creatures of dark magic, trading parts of her soul, for magic that would make her life better. Such as magic of youth that would work upon the midnight, magic of beauty, which restored her beauty to her upon every rainfall, magic of lengthened life, meaning that she could perhaps live on far beyond her own grand- daughter. Or so she thought...

For the old woman had abused her magic deals far too much, and now her soul was in debt to the creatures of magic, in order to return to them what they had given. The only way to kill a being of lengthened life was to destroy or remove their heart. The creatures of darkness were all but willing to step forwards, however the creatures of light magic felt pity for the old woman and her granddaughter, who they had come to love. The creatures of darkness swore that they would kill the old lady by the next twilight, and as they began to scheme their attack, the creatures of light pulled the wolf boy to the side exclaiming.
"Why, hybrid child, you are the one who is closest to the lady of crimson!"
"We are much too afraid to go out of these woods on our own, and if we are caught by the creatures of darkness, they will very easily kill us!"
"The lady of crimson could never hate you!"
"Kill the old lady before the creatures of darkness get to her..."
"Your killing would be much kinder, much for forgiving..."

The creature's words shocked the wolf boy, who feared what they had to say. Part of him pondered on whether or not he could just save the old lady, however... His golden eyes glanced to the creatures of darkness who cackled as they came up with a horrifically grotesque scheme together. Those were creatures who enjoyed misery and long torturous demise and he alone against all of them, would be impossible... The wolf boy's ears drooped a little as he realised that it was only the kindest situation they had to offer, though the circumstances would most definitely hurt the lady of crimson, and if he was caught, she may even hate him. But her pain both physically and mentally would be far greater, if she were to find the creatures of darkness devouring her grandmother... And so, with a heavy and pained heart, knowing all too well that the other creatures of light wouldn't help, he nodded, separating from the creatures of magic, and venturing deep into the forbidden woods, on his journey to kill the lady of crimson's grandmother.

Now the young lady of crimson had no idea of what sinister plot lay in wait for her grandmother, or the sadness that would approach her, as she made her way through the small forest, her only light being the small spots of sunshine waving through the leaves to her. As she walked through, she noticed it was unusually quiet... And for once her one wolf friend had not come to greet her upon the edge of the forest as she made her now solitary walk up to her grandmother's cottage. Something which had the lady concerned...

During her walk through the forbidden woods, as she crossed the small stream coursing its way through the trees, she stumbled upon a group of pixies, making small crowns from the vines and wild flowers they had found upon the forest floor. And she looked down to them curiously and tilted her head.
"Why small friends of the fae, have you seen the poor wolf boy at all today? He has not come to greet me, so I threat that something may be wrong..." she inquired, as at once the pixies all flinched upon hearing the young ladies voice. They looked up from their crowns palely, to be faced with the lady of crimson, and at once a rather guilt ridden look stretched across their faces.
"I'm afraid we have not..." the one replied, retuning to weaving the light brown roots, amongst the vines and flurries of white petals.
"We have heard that he is sick today, and has decided to take some rest" the second stated, as the third, in whom was the youngest and perhaps the most honest, got to its feet, walking up slowly to the lady of crimson, pulling gently on her shawl.
"Young miss, it would be best if you do not go to your grandmothers today. The woods are astir and many are unwell. Please return home, where it is safe" the tiny pixie pleaded with the young lady, finding the thought of her golden heart being broken unbearable. The other pixies flinched at first, not wishing to causes suspicion, as the lady of crimson then stood up straight with a slightly warm smile.
"Thank you for your concern small one... However, if my grandmother is unwell and in danger herself, it would be best if I see her for today. I would also wish to see the young wolf boy today and make sure he is feeling better..." The lady of crimson responded, an answer which made the young pixie wince, as it clung tighter to her.
"But young miss-"
"We just wish you to be careful..." the first pixie stated, approaching the lady of crimson with the flower crown in hand. "Please accept this as a charm from us. It shall guide you through these woods and keep your safe, in the place of the wolf boy" it then explained, handing the flower crown to the lady of crimson, who at first seemed a little surprised... Before she gave a please grin to the small pixie, accepting the gift.
"This such a lovely gift. I will keep it with me at all times!" she exclaimed, placing the flower crown upon her head, as she continued to smile innocently to them. The pixies could only nod to her, not knowing what to truly say, as she then got up, waving them her goodbyes. Making her way further into the woods.
It wasn't long before the lady of crimson reached the small mushroom circles made by the fae, in which the small animals often played amongst cheerfully. However, upon that day, they did not seem so cheerful. Instead, they all sat down within the magic circle, almost falling asleep in the sunlight, wearing quite troubled expressions.
"Are you all well?" the lady of crimson asked, as the creatures all jumped, looking over to her wearily. When one of the creatures, a small grey bunny, hopped it's way over to her with a cautious look within its eyes.
"We are all fine, but are you well lady of crimson?" the bunny asked, a little shaken, as the lady of crimson gave the bunny a curious expression.
"Why, I am fine, though I do worry for you all, and the young wolf boy. I heard from the pixies that he is unwell... Is there anything I can do to help?" The lady of crimson inquired as the bunny's ears then quite suddenly flopped back a bit.
"Young miss, it would be best for you to return home... No good will come from being in the forest today..." one of the creatures, a rather old badger, informed her, the other small creatures concurring, as the lady of crimson found herself staring to the direction of her grandmother's cottage with a slightly guarded look. It had seemed there was a danger lying before her, that even had the creatures of the woods troubled... For a moment, she held her doubts, as she questioned whether or not she should turn back... However, her eyes became a little more determined, as she felt in her heard, she would regret not continuing onwards. She petted the small bunny before giving a reassuring smile to the creatures.
"Do not worry for me. Instead, please look after yourselves. If there is an illness in the woods, I want you all to be safe..." she told the creatures, who gave a perplexed expression to one another, before the badger then nodded in acceptance.
"If you are to venture through the woods, then please accept my advice..." the badger began, it's slightly blind eyes looking up to her. "Please hold sympathy for those who have done bad... For there are many reasons to commit wrong in this world, far more than there is to commit good..." the badger then told the young lady of crimson, who seemed a little confused by this advice. Nonetheless, she accepted it, thanking the badger and leaving a small cake within the magic circle for the small forest creatures to enjoy. Before she ventured on forth.

Now the young lady of crimson, had reached the darkest and quietest reaches of the woods, where the tree branches above were so bundled together, that their shadow and the sparse small speckles of light that did actually make it through the leaves here, made the above of her seem like the night sky. And as she continued through perhaps the most fearful part of the woods, her thoughts lay with the wolf boy, who had still not come to see her, someone who often made sure she made it through this part of the woods safe. And she had become rather worried for him, fearing of how badly his illness was. She had not realised how lonely these trips through the woods could be without him, which made her heart grow heavy... Perhaps the wolf boy had begun to tire of her...? This was a thought that only made her heart pain more as she walked on... And it was as she held these doubts, that the young lady of crimson, heard a slight weeping from beside her. The young lady of crimson looked to her right, to see that within a clearing, there was a rather shadowed looking creature, completely engulfed in darkness, weeping to itself upon a boulder. The creatures' weeping was heavy yet soft, as though it belonged to a pained young girl... It was loud and the only thing you hear within these woods as the lady of crimson backed up a bit.

Before her was a creature of darkness, creatures who used black magic, only to cause hatred and pain upon others. And though at first, the lady of crimson found herself wanting to run, knowing all too well the dangers she could be putting herself in by stay around here for too long, she found herself stopping where she stood. For she could not ignore the creatures tears at all...
'Please hold sympathy for those who have done bad...'
The old badgers words resounded in her ears as she then took a deep breath, walking towards the creature of darkness... She was one who liked to think that there could be something good in anything, so putting her fears to the side, she went to the aid of the creature.

"May I help you?" the lady of crimson inquired, as the creature stopped crying, when quite suddenly it jumped back in a defensive stance, the dark shadow around it reaching up like flames standing on end upon its skin as it hissed, an action which made the lady of crimson back up nervously from it. Though, despite her fear, she stayed by it, and long enough to see tears fall down from its eyes which glowed from its humanoid like figure in a deep purple colour, the tears twinkling like star light as they fell. The lady of crimson's look of fear softened as she tilted her head. "Are you hurt at all...?" she then inquired as the creature backed up from her with a raspy female voice.
"Everything hurts, living hurts, go away before I kill you where you stand!" the creature snarled as the lady of crimson flinched slightly, before giving the creature a concerned expression.
"To believe living hurts... What has hurt you so? You should not feel pain from living..." the lady of crimson pointed out as the creature lashed out in words at her.
"What would you know?! You are a beautiful being in whom everybody loves! You do not know how it feels to live life in pain and hatred! You do not know how it feels to have a harsh life!" the creature snapped at her, before breaking down again. "Not even my own kind loves me... I cannot be seen as beautiful within the woods or out them... I can never be accepted and that is what life has given me. I was not given everything on a platter to me like you.." the creature wept sorrowfully as the lady of crimson found herself at a loss for words. And for a moment, she was reminded of how the young wolf boy was when she first met him. How isolated and miserable he too was... It was true; the lady of crimson had yet to feel how harsh life could be... Yet, it did not mean that she did not hold heart for those who did and did not want to take their pain from them... The lady of crimson gave a thoughtful look to herself, taking the flower crown from off her head.
"I see..." she nodded, taking heed of the creatures words as it continued to sob, before the lady of crimson then placed the flower crown upon its head, the creature pausing as she realised this. Before the creature then looked up to the lady of crimson as the flower crown wilted somewhat around its head, the lady of crimson giving the creature a friendly and genuine smile. "You say that, but I see something truly beautiful before me... Something I can accept and love. I may not know pain, I may only know love. But I only wish to share that love with the creatures and people around me. I want them to know that they too are beautiful and loved, and that they too can live a life without pain... I will be your friend, if you wish me to be..." the lady of crimson told the creature as two final tears rolled down its covered cheeks, dripping from her chin like star light... Before it bowed it's head, placing it's fingers upon the flower crown gently...
"A friend..." the creature muttered slightly, at first leaving the lady of crimson in silence... before it then lifted a small solid onyx sphere up to her slowly, from within its palm. The lady of crimson at first gave it a puzzled glance before the creature of darkness then spoke up.
"That is a token of friendship between us two... It can grant a favour for you, given by us creatures of the darkness..." the creature explained, as the lady of crimson at first went to decline the gift.
"Th-Thank you, but I couldn't possibly accept such a lovely-" she began when the creature spoke over her.
"It is in return for this gift you gave me. We creatures of darkness never receive, we only ever give... This is in trade for the gift of beauty and friendship you gave me..." the creature of darkness then informed her as the lady of crimson then nodded, taking the sphere from the creatures hand.
"Thank you, I shall treasure this..." she stated warmly, holding the onyx sphere up to her heart as the creature almost seemed to soften up a bit, before noticing the basket the lady of crimson was holding with her.
"Are you going somewhere?" the creature of darkness inquired as the lady of crimson looked to her basket... Before she then nodded in slight realisation that she was stalling.
"Why yes, I am going to my grandmother's house, it is actually nearby. I deliver her food from the other side of the woods" the lady of crimson replied as the creature of darkness seemed to shrink back in slight realisation of what lay in wait for the lady of crimson. Before then it bowed it's head a little, beginning to pity her slightly as it then pointed to a pathway across the woods.
"If you take that direction you should reach there quicker..." the creature of darkness informed her as the lady of crimson looked down into the dark path of the woods, a slight bit of scepticism growing within her eyes.
"I should probably stick to the paths I know... I know this route to be fairly quick-" the lady of crimson when the creature shook it's head.
"That route is the longer one. That other route should take you there even faster. Trust me, for creatures of darkness know this part of the woods more than anybody..." the creature informed her as the lady of crimson's uncertainty seemed to fade somewhat as she gave it some thought. Before she then bowed her head the creature, deciding to take her leave.
"Thank you, I shall try it then! I'll be certain to come and talk to you more tomorrow..." the lady of crimson replied as the creature of darkness waved her off, knowing all too well it had sent her down the longest route to her grandmothers. But if only to be kinder so the young lady of crimson did not run into tragedy when she found herself at the cottage.

Meanwhile, the lady of crimson held the onyx sphere tightly within her hands, with the resolve to ask the creature of darkness to heal her wolf friend, who she could only imagine was in a lot of pain with illness right now. She had very little idea that the wolf boy was already at her grandmothers cottage, confronting the grandmother...

It had seemed the grandmother had already been expecting the creatures of darkness from the woods to come after her soon, and that her life within this world would soon be coming to an end. So when the wolf boy came to her door, she was not the least bit surprised, in fact she welcomed him inside and made him a warm drink as they both sat at the table opposite one another.
"You are not a creature I have made a deal with, so I do wonder why a lone wolf has come to my door... Do you perhaps not like me?" the old woman asked as the wolf boy shook his head grimly.
"I am here because if I claimed your heart first, your death would be a much quicker and painless... the creatures of darkness would have no sort of mercy towards you..." the wolf boy stated as the old lady nodded, taking a sip of her warm barely tea with a nod.
"I see... There are those who would certainly assume that a very morbid thought of you... But I understand it. I have understood how creatures of magic and the dark arts have worked for a long time now, I would not make these deals without thinking..." the old woman replied, placing down her cup and giving a half-hearted sigh. "I have lived a long and fulfilled life. To die a painless death would truly be a miracle upon that. For that you have my thanks and I will allow you to take my heart..." the grandmother stated, looking to the wolf boy seriously. "All I ask is that you hurry along with it, for I do not wish to be left in anticipation any longer..." the grand-mother then went on, the wolf nodding and getting to its feet to her words, a lump growing in its throat.

It had not wished to cause harm upon any sort of human, let alone the humans in which the lady of crimson held dear. And it was because of this that as he raised his claw filled hand, that his eyes winced and his stomach curdled. He had made the decision that he would do anything to make the lady of crimson happy... But would this really make her happy...? Would this really make her smile gently at him, just as she had always done? He didn't want her to hate him... He didn't want to lose that smile and warm heart he treasured so much, so much so that this mere action was causing the wolf boy great pain...
"My only regret is that this would hurt my grand-daughter so..." the grand-mother stated as the wolf boy's eyes widened a little. "She is such an innocent young soul, and I know how dearly she loves me, as I do her... I only wish that her heart will not grieve too much..." the grandmother then went on, when suddenly, the wolf boys hands lowered to his side, his head drooping and his ears falling back. A pale and pained look on his face as the grandmother looked up to him in surprise.
"My, what is wrong?" she inquired as the wolf boy cut in.
"Run..." he uttered, leaving the grandmother only more confused.
"Please, run away and get as far away as you can from the cottage!" the wolf boy stated as the grandmother could only look at him with an expression of surprise.
"Run? But what about the creatures of darkness and my debt? Even if I do run, they will surely find me eventually..." the grandmother stated as the wolf boy shook his head, leading the grandmother to the door.
"I will stop that from ever happening, please trust me" the wolf boy replied, before he then gave the grandmother a soft and slight pained smile. "The lady of crimson is my most dearest person, I don't want her to be sad... So I will make sure she is always happy" he told the grandmother, who was still rather bewildered with his suggestion, almost lost for words. However, when she finally seemed to grasp an idea of what the wolf boy's meanings were behind his words, she seemed to grow somewhat concerned and saddened. For even if the wolf could make her happy, he would not find the happiness his own heart wanted to seek. A love between magic and none magic creatures was greatly taboo and forbidden, and even if he had not realised it himself, his own emotions would most likely lead to tragedy. The grandmother however nodded her head, deciding to take up the wolf boy's kind offer, seeing it as a last resort.
"Thank you... I leave my grand-daughters safety to you..." the grandmother stated, grabbing her own blue shawl from the coat rack beside the door, putting it over herself and opening the door. "I may not return here, but if I do. You have my eternal gratitude..." the grandmother then thanked him, before then leaving the cottage, running into the woods and as far away as she possibly could from the deep part of the woods. The door now closing as the wolf's reassuring look quickly diminished and his expression darkened completely. Indeed, he was willing to do anything to make the lady of crimson smile... Even if that meant he were to die for her...

The wolf boy quickly looked through the house, with a very strong resolve. He wished to take the grandmother's place, and for such, he decided he would disguise as her and wait for the creatures of darkness to come find him. If they took his heart instead, thinking that he was the grandmother, then certainly, the deal would be broken, and the grandmother could return to the cottage to greet her grand-daughter. Even if he was to vanish, the lady of crimson's heart would soon heal, he was certain of that. He knew that one day, there would come the day where they could no longer meet... And he wished that they could have spent more time together... However, he did not wish that remaining time to be of the lady of crimson mourning or hating him. If there was an end, it would be far better for it to come sooner than later. He found the grandmother's longest night dress and threw it over himself, so it would hide the fur on his arms and legs and his large wolfs tail. He placed on a night cap in attempt to hide his long grey wolf ears, and he put on thick rimmed glasses in order to hide his large golden coloured eyes. Upon his hands he wore silk gloves to hide his claws and then he leapt into the grandmother's bed, almost hiding under the blankets, partially in slight shame, and partially to hide every other part of hide every part of his body he believe could give him away... And then he waited... He waited for the creatures of darkness to come and slay him, so this whole ordeal would end. The whole time, the lady of crimson was within his thoughts, as he hoped that she would quickly forget about him, that she would always keep her smile on her face... Yet he also thought about how much he longed to keep that smile, how much he longed to keep her by his side forever... He wanted to keep the lady of crimson for himself forever more, something in which he knew all along was a selfish wish...

And then there came a knocking at the door, one in which filled the wolf boy's heart with slight dread. For the time had come for the creatures to kill him and for the deals between the creatures of darkness to be repaid... And he closed his eyes for a second as the door opened, somewhat cowering in slight fear, when then he heard a familiar voice...

"Grandmother, are you well?" the lady of crimson inquired, stepping into the cottage, much to the wolf boy's shock. He was almost certain that the creatures of darkness would have reached here before her... And her appearance filled him with dread as he realised that she too was now in danger as he sunk back more into the sheets.
"Pl-Please leave child..." he stated, in a very high tone of voice, as the lady of voice then paused a little confused as she began to realise that it was not her grandmother under those covers.
"Why grandmother, your voice sounds so gruff... Are you sick?" she asked as the wolf boy shook his head.
"Of course not my child, please put down the basket and leave..." the wolf boy replied as the lady of crimson tilted her head, walking closer to the bed curiously.
"My, grandmother, you must be sick, what large hands you have!" the lady of crimson exclaimed as the wolf boy began to hide from her more. "And grandmother, your ears are so large and pointed..." the lady of crimson stated as the wolf boy place his hands to his ears in order to hold them down, no longer knowing what to do with himself.
"I'm begging you not to come closer..." the wolf boy pleaded as the lady of crimson did so regardless, taking a closer look at him.
"Your eyes are so big and golden, and your teeth look so sharp..." she then mentioned, before she then sat on the bed beside him with a slight smile as she recognised him, seeing right through his disguise. "You are not my grandmother... You are my dearest friend the wolf" she then went on, lifting the glasses from off the bewildered and miserable wolf's face, as he quickly avoided all eye contact with her. "Why are you pretending to be my grandmother young wolf? Did something happen...?" she inquired as the wolf boy did not reply, not knowing how to reply to her words, frightened at how easily he had been caught.

The lady of crimson patiently waited for a response, before she then gave a slight sigh of relief, nodding to herself. "I don't think you would have hurt my grandmother, so I know deep down she is safe... But you had me worried..." she then stated, much to the wolf boy's surprise. "I am not used to not having you by my side, and when the creatures of the woods mentioned that you were sick, I was terribly worried. I was afraid something had happened to you, or worse, that you had begun to dislike me..." the lady of crimson then stated, when the wolf boy shook his head seriously to her words, sitting up a little.
"I could never hate you! No matter what you may do!" the wolf boy told her, before he then winced a bit at his own words, his own heart beginning to sting he shyed away from her once more. "Much rather I treasure you... More than anything I cherish you... In truth I..." the wolf's words petered off more as he struggled to get his words out, as the lady of crimson nodded.
"I see..." she replied, before she gave an extremely happy and loving smile to the wolf boy in relief. "I am glad! I really am glad that you are safe, and that you do not hate me... For I cherish you too. You are one of my dearest people, someone I love most... So I really am glad" the lady of crimson went on with a slight laugh as at once the wolf boy's face flared up brightly.

And at once he felt something that had been building up from within his chest explode, as he quite suddenly grabbed hold of her and clung onto her tightly, much to the lady of crimson's surprise, as she wondered what was wrong.
"Are you okay-" she began, when the wolf boy then leaned over and gently bit her bottom lip, to which at once completely stunned the lady of crimson at first... Before her cheeks became a brighter shade of red than that of her shawl. And before she could question as to what the wolf boy did and why, when wolf boy then gently did the same, this time a lot softer, lasting a bit longer than the last as he kept her held tight to him. And it went on, almost repetitively and yet different each time and it came to the wolf's knowledge that it had not just been a longing to keep her happy, but to also return greater affections than she had already given. In a very greedy and rather selfish attempt to steal her heart as quite suddenly the wolf boy stopped. Before he then pushed the lady of crimson away in disbelief of his own actions and what he had done. The lady of crimson was left at a loss for what to say, as the wolf boy somewhat stuttered a few vowel's as though he were trying to make up a sort of lie to cover up his actions. And yet, there was no lie he could come up with as he felt himself sinking lower into himself. For the thing he desired was something that could never happen, and the greatest taboo he could commit. Longing for those returned feelings from a normal human, for ever wishing for her heart. It was something he could never truly have in this world.

And it was at the wolf boy's remorse, realising what it was that was paining him so, the lady of crimson seemed to come to her sense's a little. Brushing her fingers up to the small wound upon her rosy cupid shaped lip's, the cut seemed to leave a greater wound upon her chest, than it did upon her lips, as she went to reach out for the wolf boy, still being uncertain on what she could actually say to him. And just as she tried to accumulate the words to say, there quite suddenly came a loud knocking at the door that made the two flinch.

Feeling a little hesitant at first to leave the wolf boy's side, the lady of Crimson slowly began to get up from the bed.
"I wonder if that is my grandmother..." she began, when the wolf boy then suddenly grabbed her hand with an ashen expression upon his face.
"You must leave this place a quickly as you can!" the wolf boy told her in a panic, the lady of crimson not even being able to question why he would say such a thing, when quite suddenly, the door was split in two, by a large menacing axe..

And from the door, came a creature of darkness, dressed in the skin of a mere woodsman, who walked into the room with a rather sinister smirk upon its face.
"I am here for the old lady who made deals with dark magic" the creature announced, looking around aimlessly, revealing that it had incredibly poor sight, as the lady of crimson backed away a bit more, the wolf boy standing to her defence.
"Please run away, I shall deal with this issue..." the wolf boy whispered seriously as the lady of crimson remained staring at the woodsman rather bewildered. And it was in her own worry that she ignored the wolf boy's pleas.
"What is it you want my grandmother for?" She inquired as the woodsman disguised creature cackled loudly at her words.
"The old woman has taken more magic than she can take from us. We are coming to end our contract by stealing her heart!" The creature of darkness proclaimed, as the lady of crimson, only then realised why the wolf boy dressed himself in the way he did, a paranoid expression overcoming her face as she held her arms before the wolf boy.
"My grandmother is no longer in this place, you will not find her. Please leave!" The lady of crimson begged the creature, who simply took a few deep breaths, before leering at her slightly with a smirk as she stood before it nervously.
"Then why is it I smell her behind you? Stand back little girl, otherwise I will kill you and then kill her!" the creature of darkness hissed at the lady of crimson, who for a moment was rather shaken with fear as she stood before it, trembling slightly as she stared at the axe. Behind her, she could hear the wolf boy's begs for her to leave, and in her mind, it was telling her to run away... Yet her heart, was telling her to stay, no matter how foolish it was... For she knew if she fled now, the wolf boy would perish.

With only very little time to think, the lady of crimson, slowly reached up the onyx sphere she had gotten from the creature of darkness in the woods.
"If it is possible, would this be able to help in any way...?" she inquired dryly, as the creature of darkness gave a large snort, as though to smell what she held, before it's eyes narrowed to her.
"You have a favour from one of our kind..." he uttered slowly, in slight confusion. Before he then shook his head to her. "That will be of no use to you now, for the only repayment for the magic used, will be the heart of the person we made deals with..." the creature explained as the lady of crimson seemed to almost wince a little at what he said as she lowered her head with a saddened smile. When she then took a deep breath, coming up with her final resolve. She looked to the creature, showing it the onyx again.
"Then would it not be acceptable for you to take my heart instead? In order to repay what my grandmother has stolen" the lady of crimson then suggested, much to the wolf boy's despair.
"Please lady, I beg of you. Get far away from here. Don't make such a foolish deal!" the wolf boy cried as the creature of darkness took a long look to the lady of crimson.
"A heart that is pure and filled with nothing but love..." the creature analysed, a twisted grin overcame its face. "It would not only free your grandmother, but free those bound by contracts for many, many years to come..." the creature responded as despite her own fear, a rather relieved look overcame young lady's face as she looked to the onyx sphere... By doing this, she would be saving many people, perhaps far more than she could do whilst alive.
"I see..." she answered, before she then gave the onyx sphere to the creature, as it twinkled with a bright light. "Then please, take my heart instead!" the lady of crimson spoke confidently, not a shadow of fear within her eyes as suddenly the room began to glow in a bright white light, much to the shock of the creature of darkness and the absolute mortification of the wolf boy, who could not even get enough time to stop her before everything became obscured by that light.

Slowly the room around them began to tear apart, and the creature seemed to almost scream in the presence of the light.
"This sort of power! I did not expect it to be so great!" the creature wailed, as the blinding light seemed to grow even strong around them, the furniture, the walls, the floors of that tiny cottage all beginning to break apart, leaving them all in a strong whirlwind of power. And the wolf boy desperately tried to find the lady of crimson amidst that light, that he struggled to fight against. And he did, only momentarily, but he did find her within that distorting light. Her figure was somewhat obscured by that light but he could make out her red hood, clinging around her neck for dear life as strong winds blew around them. He could almost make out a few tears, that sparkled from off her cheeks, only to be lost to the wind. And as she took a good few seconds to really look at him, he only being able to do the same, she then gave him a rather warm and happy smile, mouthing something very distant.
"Wolf I----..."
These words were so soft, that the poor wolf could not hear what she truly had to say, as he watched with a pained expression as the bright white light overtook everything. Shining so brightly out that clearing that even those outside the woods could see for many miles. A light that would spread its wings everywhere, bringing with it a very tragic yet warm hope...

They say if you venture too deep into the forbidden woods, beyond the trodden down paths made by travellers and passers nearby, past the small stream, which silently stalks its way through the maze of trees, carrying its resources to the people of the land, over the ditches built by nature as though to prevent you from stepping in any further. Deeper and deeper, to where the birds no longer tweet and to where sunlight can no longer break its way through the cracks of small leaves, leaving the root covered mud below damp and dark; that you will eventually find yourself in a place where most normal humans dare not step foot within. And yet, those who dare brave it, will eventually come across a small clearing, after setting foot in the deepest part of the woods. There you will find a rather large apple tree, which after the blossoming season will always bear luscious red apples upon it that will continue to grow during the harshest times of year. Feeding all in whom that small apple tree loved, continuously for the eternity onwards. And beneath the tree lies a small grey wolf, who has refused to move away from it since it had begun growing... One who never speaks or takes upon its human form ever again in its grievance.
"Still it's good to eat, please be sure to be happy again soon, for it's what she wanted..." a rather beautiful young lady mentioned from beside the wolf, draped in white robes as she laid down a basket of treats beside it, looking up to the tree with a slightly saddened smile. After the lady of crimson gave away her heart, she continued to spread a light across the land that freed everyone from their sadness, what had made them feel fearful and embittered. It was because of her, that this beautiful young lady, no longer had to weep over her appearance, as she placed the wildflower crown down by the beside the tree's roots, bowing her head a little in respect before she smiled to the tree. "Please continue to make sure your friend is safe and healthy... My dearest best friend..." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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