It's 2012, and time to end

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Well here it is guys...The final chapter. I know sad, but dont get too upset ill make another if people ask. So yep! here it goes. Plus I have an idea for a different Justin story so stick around I might start that today! Love you!

*Bridget's POV*

The boys finished, and Justin waved me up on stage. I was a little reluctant, but after encouraging from the crowd I walk up there. It was now 11:59, and Justin whispered that we were chosen as budding couple to count down from 10 til the new year. I nodded smiling and watched as the time went from twenty to ten.




Wait this feels weird; like something is going to happen.




Oh gosh why am I getting one of those feelings.

"Ten!" Justin yelled.

"Nine" I echoed.

"Eight!" He was so enthusiatic...Boys.

"Seven!" I screamed beating his enthusiasim.

"Six!!!" He challenged me.

"Five!!" I lowered my voice.

"Four!" He said, now he's trying to be quieter than me.

"Three" I said getting louder.

"Two!" He echoed, and my belly fluttered. Here comes the feeling again.

"ONE!" We both screamed.

Everyone screamed, and then I felt his warm lips on mine. This may sound like its from a movie, but everything seemed to slow. It felt like we were the only two there anymore. Being slow like I am i finally responded by gently kissing him back. No one really awwed so I assumed all the couples were kissing.

Believe me though; their kisses would never match this one. It was slow, sweet, and it felt like love. In this kiss i could feel that he loved me, and only me. We had never kissed like this before. After a minute or so of pure bliss he broke away.

Then he smiled at me...

Reached in his pocket....

Pulled out a box...

Got on one knee...

Tears sprang to my eyes, and my jaw dropped...

Then he said those five words...

"Bridget will you marry me?"

Well will I?


Guess we will never know....Thats the end guys! Hope you enjoyed. Vote comment fan all the stuff in between. Oh! And make me brownies:) thanks for reading guys love you!

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