Chapter 4

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Once back in my room i lay down on my bed, i sprawled out and stared at the ceiling, my head was throbbing making my eyes hurt i closed my eyes hoping the pain would fade. The more i waited for the pain to go the more it hurt, soon as it got to unbearable i walked to the door to fined Wolf hoping he knew of something to help with the pain. 

Soon as i open my eyes and looked at the door, the door blew to pieces,  Wolf ran into the room in a panic "Whats the matter Enba. OH god your powers are awakening early, to early". it was refreshing to see this old man frantic and run out, i hunched over in pain and my eye sight started blurring, before i passed out i saw Wolf came running back in with Alma run in behind him.

[Alma's P.O.V]

"That Enba sure is sharp, I think she's catching on to me, I need to up my game. I might need to go visit him again."

A loud bang brought me out of my thoughts it was Wolfram, he came flying through the door with panic engraved in his face. For an old man he moved like he would in his teens.

"Master Alma it's Miss Enba, her powers are awakening."

Panics spread on my face this infiltration has gone way over my head, as I tried to contain my panic I asked Wolfram to take me to Enba in hope I could do something. Also to try and get out of here as fast as possible.

As we approach Enba's room i noticed that the door had been blown to bits, tinny shards of wood door presented themselves across the floor like freshly cut gravel. I looked around the door frame and saw Enba on the floor curdled up in a ball in pain, she looked at me as her eyes shined a brilliant shade of yellow. However just before she passed out her eye colour changed again, they were now a dazzling blue they looked almost fake like she had put contacts in.

"Wolfram put Enba in bed and watch over her let me know when she wakes I need to go somewhere". I hurried to the archives to see if I could fined anything on vampires who's eye color is blue, it made me panic it was like she could see everything, like she could see all my secrets and guarded thoughts.

Reaching the archives door I pushed the door wide open, I strided through the room to a shelf of books they were hand bound leather books that looked like they have seen better days. They sat apart from the other books on a singular shelf above a desk in the far leaf courier for the room.

I pulled the thickest book of the shelf, the cover was stained black with tree of life in printed onto the cover. I u bound the tie keeping the book from reviewing it's secrets. I flicked through the book and stopped at a page that court my eye.

When they appear the sub-vamp who's eyes shine blue, they will dazzle the vampire world without Force and ........

"What" there was no more to the page the rest of the book was also just blank. My brain was on overload trying to think of water I could do I wanted out of his plan but how I can't deal with this I might get killed. After an hour of trying to figure out what the book might be saying Wolfram came in.

"Master Alma, Miss Enba is awake"

" okay I'll be there now" I walked out the archives down the hall to Enba's room, while I was away the door had been replaced and all the shards had been cleaned up. Upon entering her room i noticed the color of her eyes had turned back to the yellow there once we're.  Was i wrong and imagined her eyes turning blue, I don't know anymore I just want out of this mess. Enba turned to look at me with dead eyes, she looked horrible.


What the....

As she began to speak the tone was cold, it was like a different personality had come out of nowhere alone with the dead look in her eyes it sent chills down my spine, i was glad my poker face was getting better or i would look shit scared right about now.

"What are you looking at" 

i thought to myself why are these words so terrifying for a child. many thoughts crossed my mind for what to reply, but i settled for ignoring the cold tone and the way she spoke. "i'm glad you are awake, how are you feeling". as i smiled trying not to show my fear of her, i always fined it hard to cover for the fact i'm a coward. However that is the reason i was picked for this job was because i have the visuals but mainly because i have a good poker face. 

just before i was going to turn around and leave because she was just looking at me and not responding she spoke again. " sorry, i'm not very friendly when i wake up it takes me a few minuets to fully wake up, i'm feeling better i'm not in much pain anymore" the smile on her face was creepy and i don't trust the eyes behind that smile, it was like she could see through me and open all the boxes that seal off all of the things i don't want the world to see. 

[Enba's P.O.V]

As i awoke from passing out Wolf was walking out the door, huh, door i remember i broke the door they must of replaced it while i was asleep. I sat up in the bed there was a slight pain in my head but nothing that made me want to scream out like it did before, but for some reason i feel like i have the face of a dead person. After a few minuets Wolf returned this time with Alma following behind, as they stud there looking at me a few thoughts crossed my mined. 

Alma has been blessed with good looks but but there is something about him that makes me not trust him its like there is a voice in the back of my head telling me not to trust him, and i feel inclined to believe those words. During my thinking Alma spoke but for a second i could not remember what he said, then it was like a scene being replayed in my mined and i could recall what he had said. It looked like he was about to walk away, " sorry, i'm not very friendly when i wake up it takes me a few minuets to fully wake up, i'm feeling better i'm not in much pain anymore".

I could see a trace of fear on his face before returning to his normal face or what i presume is his normal face. After hearing my reply Alma turned around and left the room without saying another word, there was just one question i wanted to ask if he was who he said he is he wont have a hint of panic on his face. 

After Wolf had made sure i was comfortable, i crept out of my room making sure Wolf was out of sight as i walked to Alma's study. Wolf looks like he is a worry wart so i made sue to keep looking behind me to make sue i don't see him. As soon as i got to the study door that's when i heard Alma talking

"What do i do master i think she is catching on to me, i don't know how long i can keep up the charade".  

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