Chapter 2: Never let go

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Grillby finished cleaning the back of the diner after the 'incident' later that night. It was two in the morning when he went to close up shop. At least it was Sunday (his break day). He was just about to walk out of the restaurant when a knock sounded from the other side. 'Who could be here at this hour?' He opened the door.

Out side stood a monster in a long black cloak. He looked a bit like a skeleton, but his 'skull' was cracked. "Umm, can I help you sir?" Grillby looked at the stranger, as a weird feeling came over him. "Yes, actually. I'm looking for a juvenile, male skeleton. He seems to have evaded me, and my sources have lead me here. Have you seen him?" The man spoke politely, a strange smile on his face.

Grillby nodded, "Yes actually. He was in the diner earlier, and cause a mess in the back. Your son is very talented in magic. You must be very proud." The stranger looked behind him, "He's not my child.  Where is he now?"

"He's not here sir," Grillby stepped back, "My friend took him home with her. Her name is Shadow Brue, and she lives near the ruins."

The man nodded, "Thank you Grillby. I shall take my leave." He turned to leave. Grillby was startled, 'I never told him my name. Maybe it's because of the diner's name...' He broke out of his thoughts "Excuse me, sir!" He called to the odd monster, "Who are you?"

The cloaked creature turned, "I am the royal scientist, appointed by Prince Asgore's father, the Good King Aslan. My name is Dr.  W. D. Gaster." And with that he left a surprised Grillby, and walked away into the snowy morning fog.

~Scene-Change brought to you by Papa Acachalla~

Shadow awoke to something wet all over her chest. "Uhhhhh what?" She looked down to see baby Sans drooling all over her front.  "Really? Grillby owes me a new cami." Her shifting woke the tiny monster. The baby yawned, his little eyes fluttering open, "Ahhhhh boo! Mama!" He giggled when he saw her. "Sup tootsie roll, you slept well. Thanks for not waking me up."

Sans reached up and grabbed her nose, "Keiiiiiba!"
She giggled, "That's a nose sweetheart. I guess you don't have one." She placed a finger on his face, where a nose should have been. He crossed his eyes to look at her finger.

"Come on little guy. Let's get you dressed." She sat up, him in her arms. His little legs flailed as she unwrapped him from the blanket. Shadow looked at the onesie he had on yesterday, "This thing is filthy.  There is no way you're wearing it." She gently laid him on the bed. "Well I have the baby clothes from that time my baby cousin Undyne, and her family visited , and they're pretty un-gender-specific."

The Darkness Lurker skipped over to her closet, and dug around. "Ah, here it is!" She pulled out a yellow onesie with little ducks on it (Reference to the duck in Waterfalls). She brought it over to her little skeleton. "Hey bud, you like this one?" He giggled. "Good 'cause it's the only thing I got." She picked him up and took him into the bathroom.

After changing his diaper, cleaning him up, and dressing him. She picked him up, and brought him back to her room, laying him on the bed. He pouted. "Kay wait here a second Chico. Just gotta changed." She pulled a red hoodie, a strawberry patterned t-shirt, and skinny jeans. After she slipped into the outfit, Shadow turned to see Sans using his magic to float around the room. "WEEEEEEEE!" He cried. She sighed, "Come on Sans. Time for breakfast and AFV." (Sorry I'm just a big fan!)

Shadow used her counter magic to float him down into her. He giggled at the Darkness Lurker, as she bounced down the stairs. "What cha want to eat tiny? Oh! What about lucky charms? I'll let you have the marshmallows." He giggled cutely at her. As they entered the kitchen Shadow used her magic to pour a bowl of cereal, without lifting a finger, and carry it back with them into the living room. She sat on the violet colored couch, sitting Sans in between her right arm and body. Her purple magic floated the bowl of lucky charms down into Sans lap, "And now for some good old Tom Bergeron." The T.V. flicked on.

The two watched a few episodes, laughing at the fails, and dumb people. At around the end of the fifth episode, when Sans had pretty much given up on digging for nonexistent marshmallows in the bowl full of bland cereal, and loud knock shook the door. Shadow looked away from the T.V. sighing. "COMING!" She stood up but left Sans on the couch. He pouted, reaching his tiny hands up to her, "Ba! Mama!" Shadow frowned at his distress, "Just a second sweetie. Gotta get the door." She pointed to the slick dark oak door. The child must have understood because he stopped whining, and tuned back into the funny show.

Shadow nodded and turned to the door. When she opened it, a tall skeleton like creature dressed in a black cloak, was starring down at her. "Uhhh.... Hello, can I help you?" He smiled (creepily) down at her, "Why yes, I believe you can. I'm Dr. Gaster and you have something of mine. You see, I know you have a small child in your custody, and he belongs to me. He escaped from my lab last night. I would like you to return him to me." The monster tried to look over her shoulder, but she blocked his view with the door. "Excuse me, but did you just say...lab?" Shadow looked into his eye sockets with a steely gaze. "Yes I did. He is one of my experiments, and I would like to continue to my research. So if you will excuse me-" he tried to push past her only for her topi sh him back with her magic and growl at him.

"I'll go get him." Shadow slammed the door in his face. She sighed and turned to the couch, "Hey bud." The skele-baby looked at her, the cereal bowl on his head, and half his hand in his mouth. She chuckled at him, "Seems like there's a jerk trying to take you, so we're gonna play a little game, okay?" He smiled and clapped his slobbery hands together. The monster girl smirked, using her purple magic to lift the baby up and over to her. He dropped in her arms. "Let's start."

Shadow reopened the door the show a very unhappy Doctor. "Ah there he is. Now come along child." He reached his hands out to take Sans, and the child flinched back into her shoulder. "Oh sir I'm afraid you can't have him," Shadow smiled innocently at him, "Unless you can tell me his name. I have to make sure you're his real guardian. For his safety, of course." The cloaked monster had aggression flowing off of him, but he stayed polite. "Of course. His name is subject 76." The baby just looked at him, not reacting.

Shadow inwardly chuckled, "I'm sorry sir but that's not him name." Gaster straightened up, "What do you mean? Of course that's his name!" He was starting to get very agitated. She looked directly at his face, "No his name is Sans and he's mine. So get off my property before I make you." The Darkness Lurker's eyes glowed purple. The scientist looked at her and then the child, "You will regret this, girl!" Her voice became demonic, "You will regret not listening to me." She grabbed him by the collar.

"Leave." Shadow threw him into the snow. "And if I see you again there will be no MERCY!" She turned into the house and slammed the door. Sans was still huddled up against her shoulder. "It's okay tiny, you're safe with me. That evil monster won't come hurt you again, I promise." He seemed to understand, because he grinned a bit.

"Now let's go get some burg from Grillby's. It seems that I'm out of lucky charms."

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