Episode 1: Spanish style chicken Galantine

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AN: Helloooo everybody. So this thing just popped in my head, and I thought why not. On another note here is the news for when my next fics will be published. I'm going to be very busy with my Petroleum Geology masters so publish dates might change. You can follow any fic news on my profile or you can follow me on instagram at vala411.

October 10th until Halloween: Halloween fic - A Supernatural comedy like no other.

November: Secrets of the Wilderwest

December: Mayhem in the theater or Phantasm sequel

Now on with the show!

This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the How to train your dragon world, which is trademarked by DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. and originally written by Cressida Cowell, and I do not claim any ownership over them or make any money from them. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline.  

Episode 1: Spanish style chicken Galantine

"Hello everybody and welcome to our show cooking with Astrid and Hiccup. I'm Hiccup and this is my co-host Astrid." Hiccup introduces while standing behind a counter.

"Hello everybody. Today we will be showing you how to make Spanish style chicken Galantine." Astrid said bringing out Chicken.

"NOOOOO!!!" Was suddenly yelled as Tuffnut their director came running on set. "Not Chicken!!!" He yelled and grabbed Chicken from Astrid. "Get your own chicken!"

Ruffnut then came out with a dead and plucked chicken. "Sorry wrong chicken she whispers to the audience and then hands it to Astrid."

"You did that on purpose." Tuffnut hissed at his sister only to get laugher in return.

"Oh yes now where were we." Hiccup said.

"Well Hiccup. To make this dish we'll first need to debone the chicken." Astrid stated and then proceeded to grab a very sharp knife. "Now I will show you how to debone a chicken."

Astrid then proceeded to use the knife to cut the meat from the ribcage. "Let me remind you that this can be a messy process and that you should never wear your best clothes when doing it."

"Astrid........." Hiccup remarked when Astrid was explaining but it was too late. Astrid mistimed her cut and the small wishbone flew out of the chicken and hit Snotlout, the camera man straight in the eye.

"Ouch!!" Snotlout yelled and clutched his eye. The camera began to wobble but Fishlegs quickly managed to stabilize it.

"SORRY!!!" Astrid yelled and then tried to resume her deboning but Hiccup stopped her.

"If deboning a chicken is too difficult for you than simply have your butcher do the hard work." Hiccup quickly said. "Now we will return after this short break."

There is a short commercial break and soon the show is back.

"Welcome back everybody. As you can see this is what a deboned chicken looks like." Hiccup stated quickly while trying to avoid a fuming Astrid. "Now as for the ingredients. We will need:

"1 large chicken deboned (size 18)" Hiccup stated and gestured once again to the chicken. "300g pork mince, 4 cloves garlic, peeled & finely chopped, 100g chorizo sausage, sliced, 100g grated Spanish Manchego cheese, 1 handful of Italian flat leaf parsley, roughly chopped, half a teaspoon of paprika, Flaky sea salt & freshly ground black pepper for seasoning, and Olive oil."

"We'll also need" Astrid began while gesturing to the equipment. " A Long metal or bamboo skewer, Butchers twine/string, Roasting tray with a rack, and a Preheated oven to 160 °C (fan bake)."

Cooking with Astrid and Hiccupजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें