A "trip" to mcdonalds-chapter 9

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Natsu's pov

Inside books were scattered everywhere. Lucy wasn't joking when she said she was a bookworm. The blue haired girl cleared her throat and spoke. "Mind telling me why Prince of the vampires is here?". She eyed me and blushed before looking away.

Not another fangirl.

"I don't know ask him.", blondie mumbled.
"I have human friends at home too and I just wanted to see blondie's",  I said.

I made sure my tone was cold and it affected the girl well. I saw her shiver. I mentally smirked. But then remembered that when I do it to blondie, it doesn't work. That pissed me off.

I sat down on a chair while the girls sat on a black couch. The house wasn't too small but not too big.

It was decent, but the thing that wasn't decent was the amount of books it had.
"-tsu Natsu?!", blondie was snapping her fingers in front of me face.
"Huh what??"
"You zoned out", she sighed, "Levy wants to ask you something." What did the little girl want?
"What do you want, my autograph?", I asked coldly.
She laughed a bit. "No I just wanted to ask if you know a vampire named Gajeel?".

What did she want with that metal head.

"You know metal face?", I asked?
"Yeah", she started blushing "how is he?"
Why did she care? Oh I get it now. She's blushing cause she likes Gajeel. I mentally smirk.
"He's doing fine. Why?".
"Aah n-no reason", she squeaked out.

I checked the time it was 12:45 in the afternoon. Has it been that long? I look at Lucy and she understood.

"We should get going Levy", blondie said.
"Aah ok yes thank you for coming", the girl bowed.

I gave her a small smile and we both walked out.

"Levy likes Gajeel", blondie blurted out.
"I can tell", it was so obvious though, the way she blushed and stuttered when talking about him.
"How does she know him?", I asked in curiosity.
"I'm pretty sure they were friends before the war".
"So that's the shrimp girl Gajeel always talks about?", I asked.
"Yeah, Levy did mention him calling her shrimp. How cute", she said.

We walked back into the woods and then I remembered. Happy!
"We gotta go find Happy", I yelled. I grabbed her wrist and felt my heart beat faster and felt a spark but that didn't matter right now.

Lucy's pov

He grabbed my wrist and we were off. We ran back to the bush and found happy eating a fish.

"HAPPY!", Natsu yelled in joy. He picked up the cat and hugged it. "Did you miss me buddy?", Natsu asked.
"Aye!". Why in the world did this cat not meow.
"Sorry for disturbing your "reunion" but we should get going", I spoke up.

I was hungry and I could tell he was too.
"Ok let's go. Where shall we eat...princess?", he smirked.
I played along. "Wherever you desire your highness.", I said while bowing.
He smirked. "I hope you have a McDonald's around cause that's what I want."

My head popped back up and smiled.

A real one.

McDonald's was my absolute favourite place to get fast food. But I never go because I usually get called "fatty".

"You got some good taste", I started,"follow me your highness".

I ran and Natsu and happy followed. Wait... Happy was flying...WHAT? I stopped and stared in awe.
"A-awesome", Natsu spoke.
I was awe-struck. "That's so cool", I mumbled. But Natsu's stomach growling stopped our flabbergasting moment.

I continued running with a pink haired idiot and a blue flying cat, on my tail. We ran through the streets and people saw Natsu and were surprised. I looked at his eyes and they were cold again.

We finally arrived to McDonalds, and boy was I hungry. Starbucks was right next to it. A bunch of teenage girls walked out and saw me and started yelling. "HEY LOOK ITS THE NERD." "SHES EATING AT MCDONALDS?" "HOW LAME" "SHES GONNA BE FAT NOW". They all started laughing but my face was emotionless. I honestly could care less. Then Natsu popped out from behind my back and all the girls dropped there lattes and jaws in awe. I spoke, "Close your mouths you might catch a fly or 2". Natsu looked at me and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. He bent down again so his mouth was near my ear and whispered "not bad at all blondie". I could hear his smirk.

Freaking hear it.

We walked in and all the costumers and employees turned to look at us. There reaction was just like the girls. We walked up to the counter.
"H-hi there m-may I t-take your o-order...?", the cashier spoke.
"I would like a BigMac, medium fries,and a drink. This pink haired idiot would like 5 junior chicken burgers, large fries, and a large drink. Also a tube of hot sauce.".

I looked at him. He looked pissed off at the "pink haired idiot" part but seem satisfied with the order.
"I also would like a fish for the blue cat".

"Y-yes mam. You can have that all for f-free since t-the Prince is here", the cashier said while blushing. I tried hard not to roll my eyes.
"Thank you", I mumbled.

We waited for our food then we walked to a table that was in a dark corner cause why the hell not. I took out my Big Mac and fries. While Natsu on the other hand, had already started chugging his food and hot sauce. *sweat drop*. We ate in complete silence which was helpful to hear other people. They were whispering really quietly. "Why is the prince here" "Who is that blonde chick?" "Did you hear? She disrespected Prince Natsu by calling him a pink haired idiot" "How mean!" I smirked to myself and Natsu growled. "Isn't she the daughter of Jude Heartfillia?" "Now that you mention it, I think she is!" This time I growled and I was pissed off. I ate the last of my fries and quickly chugged my Dr Pepper while Natsu here had finished about 10 minutes ago.

We threw away the access garbage and walked out and the teenage girls were still there. "There comes that blondie bitch! Let's go trip her!". I mentally face palmed but I was gonna act like I fell for it. One of the girls stuck her foot out. And I tripped. And I fell. Dramatically. I knew that Natsu knew I was faking so he just played along. And when I mean played along, he walked away without giving a shit. Typical Natsu. "You deserved that you bitch! Go die in a hole! Natsu should be all mine and only mine cause I'm hotter and prettier than you!"she spat out. Literally. Seriously this is so pointless.

"You should of died with you mom!".

Now that ticked me off. I got up and glared at her. I was about to speak but Natsu already had started. "You don't know anything about losing someone important to you . Be grateful that your parents are even alive, you bitch", he growled, and gave them all an icy cold glare which left them with there jaws dropping.
"Ladies, how many time do I have to tell you to keep your mouths shut. You don't want to be pooping flies now do you?", I asked in a sweet tone. I smirked and walked away, Natsu following. I was happy, but why did he stand up for me?

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