The Hunt Begins

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_-Hi, sorry if my grammer seems bad, I am not very well with my wording. Anyway, continue on.-_

3rd person p.o.v.
It was late at night and Ice bear was balled up in his fridge, having the voices speak to him. They whisper things and have him hear the screams of many. They talked, saying things like "kill" and "hunt".  Though with Ice bear's good memory, he couldn't remember how it all started. How it affected him was a turning point. Pretty soon, Ice bear sat up and gotten a huge grin on his face. "I know exactly know who to hunt." the bear spoke, smiling huge.

Ice bear grabbed the axe that was beside him and opened the fridge. The light shined on the floor with nothing in plain sight. He stepped out and closed the fridge door, noticing a light behind him. He turned and walked around the corner to investigate.

When he peeked around, he saw Grizz on the couch. What ever the reason for him up late at night, it gave the opportunity for Ice bear. He stepped around the corner and stared at him, thinking what to start doing. "Should I go for the kill, or should I have some fun?" Ice bear questioned his approach.

With him thinking, Grizz turned and saw Ice bear standing there with his axe. "Hey Ice bear, what are you doing up? And, why do you have your axe?" Ice bear didn't respond to his questions. He started to step forward and Grizz gotten suspicious. "A-are you trying to scare me?" Ice bear still didn't respond. He was soon up to the edge of the couch and Grizz stood up, walking backwards.

"Haha, very funny. You can stop now." Grizz never felt this scared before. He continued to back up into a wall and gave Ice bear a good opportunity. Ice bear took his free paw and wrapped it in the front of Grizz's throat. Grizz tried to remove his paw, but his strength was strong. Ice bear held it with great force with a huge grin on his face, enjoying his victim suffer.

What he didn't realize was that Panda walked out of his room. "Who is making all that-" he spoke but distracted with Ice bear choking Grizz. "ICE BEAR GET OFF OF HIM!!!" Panda ran up towards him and grabbed his shoulders. He pulled him back and watch Grizz rub his throat.

ice bear turned to Panda and stared at him. "What were you thinking?" Ice bear did a huge grin on his face. "Murder." he spoke and put his paw on his throat, pulling a nerve in his body. He held it there, watch Panda squirm and get lower to the floor. The incident caused Panda to pass out and collapses on the floor. "I will deal with you later." Ice bear said as he picked his head up by his fur. Suddenly, the door squeaked open and Ice bear quickly turned to the direction of the noise. Grizz was gone.

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