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Like the picture? ;) it's cute right. Anyways here chapter 13

January 2019: bitch tf no it's hot asf

[Jungkook's P.O.V]

I told my mom I was going to Seoul with some friends. By that I mean, Suga, V and Jimin ended up coming with us. I still hadn't told Nao I was going to Seoul.


I was walking to school when I saw Nao. I went up to her.

"Hey, so I'm going to Seoul," I told her.

"Nao looked surprised. "OMG! You have to bring me!"

"I'm sorry, but it's a family trip..." I lied.

"Aww. Maybe we should go to Seoul for a romantic vacation, just the two of us."

"Well, let's bring SeHun and Y/N, too then."

Nao gave me a disgusted look. "No! You always bring Y/N up. SeHun's okay but Y/N is not. "

"Why? Are you jealous?" I teased her.

"No!" She crossed her arms.

I giggled and saw Y/N so I went up to her. I quickly pulled her away from Nao.

"Hey, are your things packed?" I whispered to Y/N.

"Y-yeah," she replied back to me.

"Good," I gave her a thumbs up. " 'Kay well I have to get to class. Bye."


[Your P.O.V]

I walked to class after talking to Jungkook about Seoul. I was glad I wasn't gonna be back until next week.


Finally school was over. I walked over to Jungkook's class and waited. He got out and we both ran out of the school giggling. We ran to the school Jungkook's friends went to, so we could pick up Suga, v and Jimin.

We got them and walked back to my place with our luggages. We took the bus to the airport.

"I can't believe I'm gonna see my parents again! I haven't seen them in months." I was excited.

Jimin giggled.


We got to the airport. It was such a long wait until we board the plane. Minutes later we were on the plane. V was sitting next to me looking outside the window. It was so cute when he would tell me to look outside.  He was like a little kid. And Suga was also sitting next to me, he was sleeping. Suga was sleeping with his mouth open, so v and I put crackers in his mouth. V was a little loud from laughing to much and woke Suga up. Suga woke up angry at us. He hit us both.

"Sorry," V and I said laughing.

"You better be sorry!" Suga snapped.

Minutes later V and I fell asleep with our mouths open too. And Suga got revenge on us. Apparently Jungkook and Jimin saw, they took pictures of us, our mouths open with crackers.


We landed in Seoul! We booked in to our hotel rooms, Suga and Jimin shared a room, V and Jungkook shared a room and I get my own.

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