Day 1 Later on

38 2 1

October 1, 7:56 pm

It has been an eventful day

Hours of traveling through the spoopy woods. My men never stop. We never sleep. The thought of war burns through our ever clattering bones.

Soon after 5, we heard a sharp sound. The sound of music. The sound...of cringeness

We all witnessed it through the thickness of the trees.

A group of children with the most retarded facial expressions, sticking their tongues out and making sexual movements with their hands and bodies.

How disgusting

Each and every one of them were moving their phones and lip syncing to horrible pop music when all of a sudden, they decided to attack.

Out came three kids with iphones in their hands, the app open. Each looked about 6-8 years old. What kind of mockery is this? The fight wasn't hard, but i must admit, they were tougher than the fuckboys.

We fought like beasts in the mist of shitty songs and pointless waving. None of my men were lost, thankfully. But one was badly injured. We must slow our travel for his healing.

It still shocks me of what today's kids have become. The skeleton war is more brutal this year.

All that's important is that we had won

Or so I thought

It was 8:08 pm

We heard footsteps along with the sound of horrendous auto tune coming towards us.

In the midst of our trudging a clearly pale and grotesque figure appeared
it was their leader, jacob sartorius

"and you can wear my

my men ache and groan, being blown back by the sheer force of auto tune itself

once we regain our strength we all topple on him, grabbing his braces

Defending himself, he tried to bite us. But oh, was he at a loss there.

he cannot beat our mettle.

we strip him and leave him to freeze in the coming winter.

As we walk away we hear the sound of neighing, only to see Jacob crawling towards us begging for mercy.

We put him out of his misery instead

We now continue our long journey, preparing for more bloodshed.

Skeleton leader

The age old skeleton warWhere stories live. Discover now