Chapter 2: Calling Dibs

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I was at the mall with my brothers because my older sister, Bree, wanted to do some shopping. She stated how she had no actual, in her own words "besties" to hang with, so that's why she dragged Adam, Leo and I along with her.

"Before you start making us carry your bags, we should get Chasey some food. He's gonna need all his strength!" Adam laughed as he grabbed my arm waving it around trying to prove a point.

"Me? Leo's the one with weak arms." I shot back while pulling my arm out of Adam's grasp, "No offense Leo."

"Hey! Do these look like weak arms to you? This is all muscle." Leo said showing off his so called "muscles".

"Besides, if you were so strong; I wouldn't be able to hit you so easily. Like this" Next thing I know, I feel Adam jab his elbow into my stomach, making me stumble backwards and knocking someone over.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

I turn around to apologize to whomever I knocked over and see a girl around my age. And can I just say what a beautiful girl she is. Long blonde hair, dark hazel eyes like mine, and her skin radiant like the sun. She was just absolutely gorgeous. Realizing I've been staring at her, I snap out of it and apologize to her like I should've done in the beginning.

"I am so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly offering my hand to help her up.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine, should've paid more attention to where I was going." Wow, even her voice sounded beautiful.

"No, it was definitely my fault. My brothers and I were arguing, well more like teasing. If you want to call it that, anyways one thing led to another and uhm..." I was having trouble explaining what had just happened and by the look on her face she must be thinking I'm a complete idiot. Maybe my family was right, maybe I do have shitty luck when it comes to girls.

"You know what? Let's forget this whole thing ever happened. I mean no harm, no foul, no bruise." she said reassuring me with a smile. Oh God, even her smile is perfect. I don't even know her name or who she is and she's already got me weak in the knees.

"That sounds good to me. I'm Chase by the way."


We shook hands and I could've sworn that when our hands touched, I felt a spark go through my body. I know it sounds very unlike me to say because I'm a man of science, but who knows.

"Okay, I must be seeing things because I'm seeing Chase holding hands with an actual girl." I look over my shoulder and see my brothers and sister standing behind me, each one wearing a different expression. Gee thanks for embarrassing me even more Bree. I pull my hand away to scratch the back of my head from embarrassment. I try to keep my face hidden from Hannah hoping she doesn't notice the blush forming on my cheeks.

"Uh, Hannah this is my older brother Adam, sister Bree and my step-brother Leo. Guys, this is Hannah." As I'm introducing everyone to each other, each of my siblings wore a different expression; Bree seemed overly excited more than usual, Leo has the same look whenever he wants to play with Mr. Davenport's new inventions, and Adam well I can never explain Adam's expression, so may I say more?

"So uh, did you come here with your other friends or family?" I asked hoping she didn't because I would really like to get to know her more.

"No, I came by myself. It would been my dad and I, but he some meetings to attend so-" Before she could finish, Bree cut her off by hooking her left arm into Hannah's right and pulled Hannah next to her.

I didn't listen much to what Bree was saying, just something about teenage girls shopping and Hannah saying she was an only child. Next thing I know I see Bree and Hannah walking off with each other leaving Adam, Leo and I standing in the middle of the food court.

"Now that they're gone, I CALL DIBS!" Leo shouted. Is he serious right now?

"What? You can't call dibs!" I said.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure when a guy call dibs Chase, that he can." Adam thinking he's stating the obvious. I turn my head giving Adam my usual look that say 'really?'.

"What I mean is, Hannah's a beautiful human being, not an object to be won over." I explained. They do realize that in this day in age, or any age really, that girls have feelings and hate being treated as a "trophy".

"Oh, so you admit that Hannah is gorgeous looking?" Leo said crossing his arms. Damn it. I was just trying to prove something, instead I let my thoughts about Hannah slip out.

"Uh, well I can explain that. You see...who wants to go to the Pretzel Hut? My treat!" I exclaim, hoping to get out this awkward conversation.

"Oh me! I want to see if they took my suggestion in making the pretzel costume out of real pretzels!" Adam said running towards the pretzel station. Leo and I just looked at each other wondering how Adam thinks of these things. Well at least this got me out of the clear. For now.

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