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As soon as the bell rang, everyone rushed to their classes leaving me alone in the hallway. I pulled out my favorite pink brush and brushed my hair thoroughly in front of my locker mirror. I then reapplied my Maybelline lip gloss, straightened out my top, threw my belongings in my Michael Kors tote bag, shut my locker, and strut down the hallway. Regardless that I was late for 4th period, I took my sweet time walking to class. I'm wearing pumps and I REFUSE to run or even fast-walk to a class that probably isn't that interesting anyway.

"Thank you for finally deciding to join us", the teacher said sarcastically as I finally walked into my English/Writing class.

I rolled my eyes and walked to an empty seat near the back. Alyssa Benson smirked at me as I passed by her, and I pretended I didn't even acknowledge her existence. We've been sworn enemies since 9th grade. She always bad-mouths me and tries to be better than me at everything. Personally, I think she was just jealous of me for having famous parents. My dad is a famous actor and my mom is a supermodel. The celebrity blood has gained me some popularity in school. Alli's dad plays football for the 49ers, so she's pretty popular as well.

"Alright class, as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted..", the teacher glared at me and I returned the glare, "I would like each of you to stand up and introduce yourself to the class. Tell us your name, number of family members, what you're in this school for, and what else you like to do just for fun. We'll start with the first girl sitting up here and work our way around."

A pretty girl sitting in the front row stood up. She had fair skin, sky blue eyes, and extremely curly, blond hair. She kind of resembled a young Taylor Swift in a way, you know..before T-Swift straightened her hair. She also had a sporty look to her, from her clothes and shoes to how athletically fit she looked.

"Hi, my name is Pearl Thomas. I live with my grandma and my..little b-brother..", she stammered nervously.

I wonder why she doesn't live with her parents? I thought curiously.

"I'm in this school for both dance and vocals, and I like to also play sports for fun". She quickly sat down as the next student stood up to talk.

This continued on for a while and I soon pulled out my iphone as a result of boredom. When blond-haired, blue-eyed Ken Whitfield stood up to talk, I immediately put down my iphone and paid attention. He was a hot, soccer jock that I've had my eye on for quite awhile. I haven't made any move on him before because he was taken. But rumor has it, he broke up with his girlfriend over the summer and is now single and ready to mingle.

"The name's Ken Whitfield. I've got a mom and an older sister. I'm here for soccer and acting, and I like to do girls for fun."

I rolled my eyes as the rest of the class laughed. That was such typical behavior from Ken. He was one of the biggest flirts in our grade. But, nonetheless, he was still pretty hot and currently my new boy interest.

When it finally came to be my turn, I sighed and stood up. "Hey, I'm Olive Lee. I have no siblings, and I live with my dad and mom.."

"YOUR MOM'S HOT!", some random boy yelled out as a bunch of other boys nodded in agreement.

"Ew, that's gross.." I replied in disgust. "Anyways..I came to this school for cheerleading and singing. Shopping is what I do for fun." I sat back down and pulled out my phone again, ready for this class to be over.

Finally, the last person to talk was Alyssa Benson. She flipped her bleached-blond hair as she stood up. "You guys already know me as Alyssa Benson. I live with my dad, mom, and two brothers. My dad, by the way, plays for the 49ers.." , She gloated.

I rolled my eyes. I was so tempted to yell out NO ONE CARES!!, but my conscience got the better of me, and I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm here for singing and cheerleading. Being popular and well-known is what I do for fun. Random fact, I plan to be co-captain of the squad this year." She finished just as the bell rang.

I fumed in anger as I walked to my locker, and the anger continued to boil throughout the rest of the next class. Being co-captain has been what I wanted to be for the longest time. Well, actually, being captain is what I've always wanted to be. But, you have to be a senior to be captain and since I was only a junior, I can only tryout to be co-captain. Plus, whoever is co-captain will automatically become captain the next year. So, you can see why it's so important for me this year to be co-captain, and I refuse to let Alyssa try to take that away from me.


I found Chelsea and Jennifer waiting for me by my locker after class. They've been my two main side-kicks since 9th grade. I could pretty much count on them for assistance, the latest gossip, or just hanging around. They were always by my side whenever I needed them,

We made our way to the 11th grade dining room, and after buying our food, we climbed the escalator up to the "popular floor". The food court was a huge, 2-story building where each grade had their own dining room. The dining rooms served an all you can eat buffet with all types of food that you can imagine. The 2nd floor was more like a balcony that overlooked the bottom floor. While everybody else sat on the main floor, the "popular" students sat on the coveted, 2nd floor balcony. Here in LASOT, you're basically classified as popular if you have famous relatives, you're a jock (one of the top players on your team), you're on the cheer squad, or if you're part of student council.

"So, I overheard Ken's ex-girlfriend crying to her friend in the bathroom about being dumped by Ken over the summer", Chelsea informed me as we sat at our table.

"Which means..the rumors are true!", Jennifer added excitedly, "Ken is totally single!"

I smiled. "You think he'll ask me to Homecoming next month?"

"I hope so. You guys would, like, make the perfect couple at the dance." Jennifer sighed dreamily.

"And it's TOTALLY obvious that you two will be Homecoming Prince and Princess. Then you'll be Prom Prince and Princess, and then senior year you two will be Homecoming King and Queen and Prom King and Queen!!" Chelsea said excitedly while Jennifer squealed.

I turned around and scanned the tables. When I found where he was sitting, he glanced up to catch me staring at him and winked flirtingly at me. I sent him my signature, glossy smile and turned back around.

"You're right, we're perfect together", I responded back finally.

"So, tryouts are a few days after Homecoming. How will you be able to manage both getting ready for the dance and preparing for the tryouts?" By "tryouts", Chelsea meant co-captain tryouts. I already tried out for the squad years back when I first entered this school in my freshman year, and I've been part of the team ever since. But, in order to be co-captain, we had to be a junior, and we had to have our own separate tryout. The requirements were that we had to prepare our own cheer, and we had to say a speech in front of the rest of the team stating why we should be chosen as co-captain. Then they voted their pick.

"Trust me, I've got everything taken care of. By the end of next month, Ken and I will be named Homecoming Prince and Princess, and I'll be named co-captain of LASOT's cheerleading squad". I sat up confidently and ate my sushi.

Sweet Dreams ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now