Eight am

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Harry took a drink of his freshly made coffee as he stared at his newly filmed video. He needed to edit it and post it, he just didn't seem to have the motivation to do so. He did love youtube, he loved with all his being. But lately, something else -or more like someone else - has taken over his mind and his heart.
For the past 6 months, the only person that was on Harry's mind was a certain cinnamon skinned boy with the most beautiful eyes that Harry has ever seen. Vik filled his thoughts with love, lust, happiness and acceptance.
Harry loved Vik with all that he was.

Harry's was dragged out of his mind when he heard his phone go off. He looked down and saw that he received a text from the very same person that hr was thinking about. Harry smiled and unlocked his phone to read the text that was sent.

From: Star🌠♥
To: Harrybaby ❤
harrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy, i misss you so much ♡

Harry smiled as he read the message before realizing the time. It was only 8am and even though Harry was awake, he knew for a fact that Vik wouldn't have slept. Obviously, he knew because he knew Vik. He knew everything from what his favourite cereal was to why he broke up with his first boyfriend. He knew everything. Also, there was the fact that he had been on twitter the entire night.

Harry sighed before typing back a quick message.

From: Harrybaby ❤
To: Star🌠♥
Vik? Baby, why are you awake? It is only 8am and i know that you didn't sleep. We've talked about this babyboy, you need to sleep. I love you xx

Harry closed his phone before going back to editing, he actually started his editing this time. He had only done a short part of his intro before he saw his phone go off again. It went off another two times before Harry had managed to open his phone.

From: Star🌠♥
To: Harrybaby❤

remember when you surprised me for my birthday

by booking a surprise flight here...

Harry's face lit up as he read the messages over again making sure he wasn't missing anything or reading it wrong. He sent back a message before saving and closing his editing software and getting up.

From: Harrybaby❤
To: Star🌠♥
Please tell me this isn't a fucking joke

From: Star🌠♥
To: Harrybaby❤
I'm at the door

That is all it took for Harry to run through his house all the way to the front door. He fumbled with the key a little bit and while doing so he heard the most beautiful laugh coming from behind it. Harry finally managed to open the door and before Vik even said hello, Harry and pulled him into a tight hug, Vik giggled before wrapping his arms around the younger but taller boy and hugging him back with the same amount of force.

"I fucking love you, Star. I love you so much."

"I love too, baby. I love you too"

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