Broken man on the bridge

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Simon was sat next to the window of his apartment with a half-empty bottle of vodka in his hand. He was staring out  across the city, it was lit beautifully. Simon only had one thing on his mind, Joshua Bradley. A University student who lived across the hall from him. He sighed, he shouldn't be thinking about him again. Josh ruined his life. 

Simon went to walk away from the window, he saw someone in the distance walking next to a bridge fence, there to stop people from falling into the rushing river below. As the figure walked into in the street light, Simon let an inaudible gasp. It was Josh. 

He gulped slightly, still staring out the window. He noticed his own reflection in the not very clean window, he looked like a complete mess. Nothing out of the ordinary since Josh left.All he had been doing was drinking and crying, not even sleeping regularly. A thought crossed Simons mind, if he went out to Josh maybe he can convince him to come back or get closure from this whole mess. 

He threw the vodka on the floor not caring that it had smashed all over the hardwood floor and ran out his apartment door just barely remembering to shut it behind him. Simon ran down the hallway of the apartment building and out the front door. 

He didn't stop running all the way to the stream, stopping only a couple metres away from where Josh was standing. He caught his breath while slowly walking closer to where Josh was. Josh stood at the edge of the bridge with his heads in his hands, his entire body was shaking with sobs. Simon walked closer, letting his own unexpected tears fall down his face. 

"Josh?" Simon let out a small whisper of his name as he got closer. Josh shot his head up shocked to hear the voice he missed from so long ago. 

"Simon? Is that really you?" Josh asked with hopeful eyes and a quivering lip.  Josh never meant to hurt Simon, but he felt like he had no choice but to leave him. For Simon's sake.

Simon nodded cautiously letting his eyes scan over Josh's beaten down body. He was a lot skinnier than he remembered and his face was sunken in. Josh stared at Simon a little bit longer before rushing into his arms, Simon was shocked. He had never expected this to happened and as much as Simon loved Josh he knew that he would just get hurt again. 

Simon went against his thoughts and hugged the crying man, as tight as he could. He was terrified that Josh was going to slip through his arms again. Josh pulled away from Simon quickly apologising for the wetness of Simon's shirt. The two men stared at each other before Josh spoke up. 

"I love you, Simon. I am so sorry for the way I treated you when I broke up with you. I never should've said the things I did, I didn't mean them I swear I didn't Si! I love you! Please, take me back."

Simon stared at Josh, shock and fear consuming him. He loved Josh more than anything, but he knew that if he wanted to be happy and survive he would have to do it alone. At least for now. 

"I-I'm sorry Josh... I just can't be with you again. Not again. Not now"

Josh's mood changed almost instantly. His face turn into a scowl and his eyes went darker. 

"Excuse me, Minter? Of course, you can!" Simon stepped back as Josh stepped forward, having experienced this before. Josh kept stepping forward, almost daring Simon to retaliate. So Simon did. Simon pushed Josh back, watching as Josh tripped but he caught his footing. Looking up wide-eyed. 

"I don't love you, Josh! I just don't!," Simon screamed at the broken man on the bridge, "I'm Sorry, but I don't" Simon whispered out the last words, suddenly losing his confidence. 

Simon could basically hear Josh's heart shatter and he wanted to nothing but run and hold him, but he couldn't. Not now, not ever. Simon whispered out one more apology before turning around. He stood with his back turned for a millisecond before slowly walking off the bridge. 

The last thing he heard was a body hitting the water. 

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