Letter 7

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Dear Love,

      I think you would be proud of me. I took a huge step out from under my own shadow and walked into the light. I thought I should write under my birth name and not my adopted name. Not because I'm ashamed but I worry about being CEO of the Blue Bird of Inspiration. So I mixed the two and I put my full name as I'm known to the world but my @mcbermendez is still up there under my name. I don't know if I can change that. I should be proud of myself. I plan on giving Sydney the Blue Bird as soon as she turns 18 next year.
I really hope we could make a movie of Pages Won't Turn. I already know who I want to play you. I'm not sure who I want to play me. I'd be happy to take suggestions. I love writing and trying to wait patiently for Anjali to finish your part. You know impatient I can be sometimes.
I have a stack of books to read and I want to just write even if it's editing. I am going to see if the new book two by two is any good. Hopefully this week David will clue me in on what my birthday will be like. I'm listening to the song "keep you" and when she sings loving the ghost in front of me. I think of you. You haunt me, inspire me, make me realize life is to short to settle when it comes to love. I'll know home when I feel as completely as peaceful as I did with you. You set the standard high for any future love in my life. It's Sunday so I'm sure you must be still sleeping.

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