The Last Days

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It had finally come.

The Mayans had foretold it, so had Cassandra.

And now it was finally happening.

People were screaming, angry at the universe that it had to happen. Others were crying, silently thinking, ‘Can this really be happening?’ Still others were gathering their families together, so as to spend their – and the whole world’s – last moments together with their loved ones. Every country in the world was in total chaos.

The air was thick with mist, the clouds settling lower over the earth every day. The sun gave off almost no heat, burning itself out like a light bulb, making it so cold that it seemed it was winter instead of summer.

There were screams and cries every few seconds that were immediately silenced as that person choked on the mouthful of water that came from the mist every time someone opened their mouth.

The air smelled strongly of vomit which was only made worse by all the moisture in the air. There was no happiness, no laughter or smiles. Everyone who wasn’t screaming, crying, or gathering together, was walking around with grim looks on their faces. Helping others with children, or trying to salvage whatever possible, meanwhile knowing that what was happening was imminent and there was nothing they could to stop it.

I can’t tell you, can’t even come close to telling you how horrible the scenes were those last days on Earth, but I shall do my best to tell you all that happened in that year.

The year of 2012.

*Please tell me if you want me to continue!!! :)

*If you have any ideas for a title for this story, please tell me!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2012 ⏰

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