-Chapter 2-

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(Happy EARLY Halloween)

-3rd POV-

"Alright! Go get her tiger" Evan said while he pointed to a girl that had blue short hair and a school girl uniform.

"Wait,wait,wait....I thought we were going to play first~" Cartoons said while he pinned Evan to the edge of the entrance to the school.

"W-we are, after you kill the girl first" Evan said while blushing and looking down at the floor. "You better be right baby~" Cartoons said while he narrowed his eyes and stuck a knife in his pants pocket and tapped on the girls shoulder while Evan looked at them

"Cartoons!" The girl said while wrapping her arms around his neck while Cartoons wrapped his arms around her Waist.

"I've onky heard about U in school, but I never seen you in person" The girl said as she unwrapped her arms around his neck and Cartoons unwrapping his arms around her waist.

"Um- yeah, well Luna-Roko, since we haven't met before can we go to the nurses office because I don't wanna go alone and I forgot my wallet there" Cartoons said while scratching the back of his neck.

"Heh,heh, stupid idiot" Luna said while chuckling, "hey! That's no way to do a first impression" Cartoons said while smiling as they made there way to the nurses office continuing another convention.

Evan followed them until they were heading to the nurses office and went to his locker.

"Hey Evan!" Marcel said while waving at Evan and going next to him and slouching on the side of the lockers.

"Hi Marcy" Evan said while chuckling as his checked himself in the mirror and fluffed out his shirt and patted down his white collard shirt.

"I still can't believe everyone in this damn school" Marcel whispered to Evan as Marcel checked his instagram account and took a selfie with Evan looking at himself in the mirror in his locker looking sexy as ever.

"Did you just take another picture of me?" Evan said in a serious voice as he grabbed a tranquilizer from his locker and put it inside his pocket.

"Nooooo?" Marcel said in a child voice as he saw Evan put a case inside his locker. "Why the hell do U even have that?" Marcel said while pointing to the case.

"No reason Marcel~" Evan said in an annoyed tone as they both her a scream from down the hallway.

"Holly shit! What was that!?" Marcel said as he looked towards the hallway which Evan smiled Evily at himself as he changed his face as too a shocked face.

"I-I have no idea, come on let's go check it out!" Evan said as he grabbed his case and ran to where the screaming was coming from.

It was coming from the nurses office~......


"WHAT THE HELL!?!" Marcel said while he and Evan whitenessed Cartoons stabbing Luna-Roko multiple times with a huge knife which was making a mess on the floor, Guts were everywhere and Luna's face was completely pale as her eyes were pale.

"Evan come on we gotta tell the Teacher!" Marcel said as he sprinted to the teachers office.

"Great job Cartoons....now your gonna get yourself caught...heh,heh....Drag her body to the furnace in the back of the school and we will see what will happen there" Evan said as he was about to walk to the teachers office until Cartoons said.

"W-wait won't the bullies be there?!" Cartoons said while getting up and dragging Luna's body out the door.

"Y-yea- I mean no, they won't, they arrive in 3 hours.....trussstt meee...." Evan said while running away to the teachers office.

(WHAT AN IDIOT!, he's dragging Luna Roko's lifeless body in the fucking halls, THATS A STUPID IDEA CONSIDERING THAT MORE PEOPLE WOULD SPOT HIM, he's gonna get hit with a baseball bat for sure from the bullies, I only lied to him to go where the bullies are for him to my unconscious and won't remember a single thing that he did!) Evan said in his mind while smiling widely.

"Evan where were  you man!?" Marcel said while the teacher looked at Marcel and Evan.

"What's the problem boys?" The teacher said while wrapping her hair in a bun as she went to the two boys that were standing outside her door.

"Mrs.Kundell there's been a murder in the nurses office! Tell her Ev!" Marcel said while looking at Evan for Evan to continue.

"Y-yeah he threatened that he'll kill me next if I told where he was going next" Evan said while pretending to cry which both of them belived.

"Who was it? Do you know? Where is he going next?" The teacher said while looking shocked.

"It was Cartoons" Marcel and Evan said while looking down.

"He said that he's going *sniff* to the furnace to Barry the body" Evan said while crying a little. (Acting)

"N-no, it can't be...." The teacher said while Marcel and the teacher ran to the furnace to see Cartoons on the floor with a dead body next to him as the bullies held there weponds up.

"He was gonna carry the dead body in the furnace teacher!" A girl bully said with An eye patch and red hair

"Haha Cartoons, you got yourself into this....now the cops are coming and you'll go to jail...Luna-Roko's finally dead....now off to kill my other "rivals", for Senpai Delirious~" Evan whispered to himself as the teacher kneeled down to Cartoons body while calling the police.

(Bye hoped you liked it, my mom took my phone away but I got bored and made a part, here YA go, anyways enjoy your night (4 me) or whatever you live at.... Bye)

-Kawaii Martinez XD- jk -It's KawaiiDjAri, man!-

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