Dis Bitch...

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Hey you! That's right you with the iPhone, android etc! So you wanna know about dis bitch!?!

Well okay! You asked!

Ashley Catchedorian had her whole life ahead of her. She was after all 16, while in her Junior year of West Brooke High. She had the perfect life for a teenage girl. She even managed to date the most popular guy in the whole school, Kevin Moore. He was very popular senior and had attracted almost all of the girls in West Brooke High.

And trust me when I say "almost" all the girls! Now here's where the real story starts... And trust me bitches... This was no fairy tale!

"Yo! Waddup bro!" Said Kevin to the whole football team as he walked into the lockeroom. What the fuck do you want bitch?! Screamed Coach Nelson from his desk. "I'm sorry I was late, it's just that I was in traffic Coach!" Said Kevin as he got prepared for the varsity homecoming. "Listen you stupid fuck! We only have one last chance at this!" Said Coach Nelson as he scratched his ass.

"Alright team! We've been through a lot these past three years. I know it hasn't been easy for all of us to get here but we need to try our best to win this one!" Said Coach Nelson In a firm tone.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry for being late, I know how much this game means to you coach!" Said Kevin as he nervously put on his gloves and helmet. Coach Nelson smiled and walked out with him on the field.

"Kevin suddenly woke up" WHAT THE FUCK MAN, NOT AGAIN! He had this repeating dream for awhile after he lost the game and Coach Nelson. Kevin's mom rushed into his room and gave him a huge hug, for he was in need of comfort. "Hunny I know you were close to Coach Nelson but I can't stand to see you in this pain anymore. Me and Ashley both agree that's its time to move on from his loss" suddenly the door bell rang "DING DONG, DIINNNGGG DOONNNGGGG" "STOP FUCKING WITH THE DOOR BELL!" Yelled Kevin's Mom as her face got red as a rose.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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